Page 4 - Out Birding Summer 2024
P. 4

Event Reports
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RSPB Dungeness 07/01/2024
On a bitingly cold and cloudy day, eleven GBC members met up at RSPB Dungeness. We were very pleased to welcome Mel and Emma from Kent on their first GBC event. I did not have high hopes of the day with strong winds and light rain showers forecast for most of the day and a wind chill of -4 C so plans were altered with more frequent stops to warm up in the visitor centre.
Fortunately, the divers, which had been sheltering from recent storms, were still around on Burrows Pit and we saw three Great Northern Divers and one Black- throated Diver. Close views of the former were much appreciated and a more distant view of the latter (thanks to Catherine). Smart Goldeneye drakes and females were more numerous than previous years and showed well in several locations. Marsh Harriers were hunting over the far side of Burrows Pit and a Great White Egret flew by right over a hunched Grey Heron on the bank.
With cold fingers and toes, we returned to the visitor ventre for an early lunch and hot drinks, made welcome as always by Corinne the centre manager who brought out extra comfy chairs so we could all sit together in the side lounge with ringside views of the main Pit and a chance to socialise more.
After lunch we went down to the beach for some sea watching, sheltering from the NE wind by standing in front of the sea watching hide! Here we were entertained by two seals pair bonding inshore and a large flock of Gannets diving over a shoal of fish out to sea. Several Guillemots and a one Razorbill were spotted amongst the many Great Crested Grebes on the sea, whilst gulls flocked to feed on “The Patch” where warm water outflows from the power station always stir up food.
My warm thanks to Bev, Ange, John, Gavin, Mel, Emma, David, Catherine, Lesley and Jeannette for their company and good spirits on such a poor weather day. In all, we totalled 34 bird species.
Carol Goulden
RSPB Rainham Marshes 13/01/2024
Thirteen souls bravely tackled the cold and muddy conditions at Rainham Marshes on a Saturday in early January and were rewarded with some excellent birding and many species ticked off for the new 2024 list. Hundreds of wintering ducks were seen right from the start, the flocks included Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Pochard, Shelduck and Mallard. Geese included Canada and Greylag. A highlight was the numerous flocks of Fieldfare in the trees and bushes along the boardwalk and flying overhead. Redwing were also present, accompanied by Starlings plotting their

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