Page 16 - Thrapston Life June 2022
P. 16

One of the most important parts of the Annual Town Meeting is the presentation of the Town Awards to residents who have been nominated for their service to the community. This year there were three outstanding recipients.
Sharn Redpath (right)
“I regularly spot this lovely lady litter picking the green areas on Lazy Acre, and further afield to Haldens Parkway and the grass verges along the A605. Always around 7am! Obviously, this time of the year it’s still dark, but as I start work early... I’ve spotted her. She is remarkable! She has a very large family to look after and a child with special needs, but obviously feels the need to do her bit for the community too. She is a genuine modern day Womble! Please consider her for one of these awards. It is so nice to live among people who genuinely care about our environment.” Nominated by Karen Caller.
Terry Tibbs (centre)
“Terry Tibbs from Ben’s Chippy retired in February 2022 and I would like to nominate him for a Thrapston Town award this year.
He has run Ben’s Chippy for 32 years and his business has been a staple in the town, serving and supporting the community all these years with professionalism and passion. It would be
great to award him with recognition for his service to the town.” Nominated by Charlotte Croser.
Emma Brown (far right)
“I had a near fatal heart attack in the street in the rain and without Emma stopping and helping, I wouldn’t be here today. She was
Thrapston Town Council is pleased to announce that the animal
charity for the coming year is Guide Dogs for the Blind. This
wonderful charity really does make a difference to those needing its
help. All the donations that you make at the outlets supplying the
packs of doggy bags – Healthy Pet Supplies, Farm & Garden and Thrapston Town Council – are forwarded to the charity. Thank you for your donations and thank you for continuing to pick up, keeping Thrapston a lovely place to live.

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