Page 28 - 1RHA 2021
P. 28

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
Light Aid Detachment Captain W J Barraclough REME, REME LAD
  The past year has been yet another busy, challenging but extremely rewarding year for the Light Aid Detachment (LAD). It has seen the deployment of the Chestnut Troop Fitter Section on Op CABRIT 7, numerous regimental level exer- cises as well as continuing to maintain the readiness of the Regi- ment’s vast fleet of equipment. COVID-19 has continued to affect the way the LAD does business and has also led to members of the LAD deploying on Op RESCRIPT. Throughout the past 12 months the LAD’s men and women have more than risen to the challenge and have delivered results time and time again.
The year began with Chestnut Troop’s Fitter Section, under SSgt (Artificer) Redman, deploying on Op CABRIT 7 as part of the Artillery Group in support of the 5 RIFLES Battlegroup. Whilst deployed the fitter section excelled. They ensured that the Artil- lery Group had the highest equipment availability out of the whole Battlegroup, an outstanding achievement. Not content with this they turned their engineering nous to the St Eligius Day ‘Engineering Challenge.’ With an improvised potato cannon con- structed from a warrior filter housing and a steel storage pallet they thrashed the competition and easily won the challenge. In their spare time in between the numerous exercises the section managed to conduct some adventurous training, attend the Cold Weather Operators Course and win the inter sub-units football competition. The section also completed a charity event raising money to support a member of the Artillery Group’s sister who was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. The event con- sisted of completing four miles, every four hours for 48 hours and raised over £4000, a superb effort.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, B Battery Fitter Section returned from their post operational tour leave and joined in with E and O/HQ Fitter Sections working on the rehabilitation of the Regiment’s fleet. Their hard work enabled the successful deployment of E Battery to support an RSA set task in October and set the condi- tions for the Regimental firing camp, Ex CYPHER DAGGER 20.
On Ex CYPHER DAGGER 20 the whole LAD showcased their excellence. The RLC section maintained a demand satisfaction rate of above 95% enabling the REME personnel to maintain the deployed equipment to a high standard and ensuring a highly successful exercise. Four AS90s were firing throughout thanks the LADs hard work.
In the New Year Honours List two members of the LAD, SSgt (Artificer) Hollister and Cpl Swift, received General Officer Com-
manding 3rd (UK) Division Commendations. This is a testament to their outstanding efforts over the proceeding 12 months. Cpl Leo also received the award for ‘Armed Forces Technician of the Year’ from the Institution of Engineering and Technology. The whole LAD was immensely proud of their achievements.
After a well-deserved Christmas break the LAD returned to work. The additional COVID-19 necessitated lockdown meant the LAD had to adapt its working practices yet again. B, E and O/HQ Bat- tery Fitter Sections formed ‘Tiger Teams’ with personnel rotat- ing on a fortnightly basis. Despite the challenging conditions the LAD was able to maintain the Regiment’s equipment to a excel- lent standard. Members of the RLC Section also deployed on Op RESCRIPT including involvement in the set up and running of the Larkhill COVID-19 testing centre.
Throughout this busy period, the LAD has further provided addi- tional Equipment Support to Op CABRIT and to Land Training Fleet Sennelager rehabilitating equipment returning from BATUS. On each rotation through Sennelager the LAD has provided per- sonnel and six individuals deployed on VARIABLE GEOMETRY in support of Op CABRIT 8.

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