Page 29 - 1RHA 2021
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June saw the LAD waving farewell to the majority of the LAD’s HQ. The OC, Capt Tankaria, took over as Adjutant 8 Training Bat- talion REME, WO1(ASM) McGettigan Late Entry Commissioned and WO2(AQMS) Hampson was assigned to 4 Battalion REME. The LAD wishes them every success in their future endeavours.
Summer saw the Regiment deploying on Ex CYPHER SHARPEN, a three-week program of each of the Batteries deploying on low level exercises. The LAD supported this for the first two weeks and then deployed on their own soldier first exercise taking the opportunity to refine and develop key REME skills that are less regularly practiced. Following Ex CYPHER SHARPEN the LAD began to prepare the Regiment’s equipment for Ex ARIES STORM.
After Summer Leave the LAD deployed on Ex ARIES STORM, a 1st Artillery Brigade exercise. The full LAD deployed and provided support to three of the Regiment’s Batteries. Once again, the LAD showed their flexibility and adaptability. With superb sup- port from the LAD’s RLC personnel the men and women of the LAD were able to maintain the Regiment’s equipment ensuring that they were able to move and fight throughout the demanding exercise.
Throughout the busy year much of the LAD still found time to take part in sport. Key achievements to note were LCpl Heaver continuing to compete in Army Motorcycling, regularly compet- ing in and around qualifying as a Class 1 Vehicle Mechanic. SSgt Lucas being the Regimental Football Team Captain whilst also running two fitter sections. LCpl Granger competing in Army Enduro Cycling and Cpl Watson training for the Army Cycling Team whilst deployed to BATUS by cycling 264km over two days over the Highwood Pass, the highest paved road in Canada.
The LAD now looks forward to another very busy 12 months con- tinuing to provide support to a wide range of Regimental com- mitments, further deployments to Op CABRIT and to LTF(S) as well no doubt further surprises and challenges. It can be certain though that the men and women of the LAD will rise to the chal- lenge and excel once more.
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
WO1(ASM) McGettigan
to Captain
SSgt West to WO2(AQMS) Sgt Chiwaye to SSgt
Cpl Swift to Sgt Cpl Turton to Sgt Cpl Watson to Sgt LCpl Gurung to Cpl LCpl Heath to Cpl LCpl Heaver to Cpl
Postings In
Capt Barraclough REME WO1(ASM) Wyatt WO2(AQMS) Shaw SSgt Luckraft
Sgt Rawcliff
Cpl Chapalapata Cpl Bromley
Cpl Chellumbrun Cpl Leo
Cpl Walton
LCpl Gray
LCpl Robertson LCpl Suter
Cfn Birchall Cfn Davies Cfn Feck Cfn Laghari
Postings Out
Capt Tankaria REME WO1(ASM) McGettigen WO2(AQMS) Hampson SSgt West
Sgt Bloomfield Sgt Bryant
Sgt Chiwaye Sgt Healy
Sgt Pysarczuk Cpl Henderson Cpl Jones
Cpl Turton
Cpl Williams LCpl Irwin
LCpl Lawrence Cfn Bladen
Cfn Brownsword Cfn Hicks
Cfn Jepson Cfn Watson

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