Page 14 - Last Chargers example
P. 14

During the unravelling of these stories I have received terri c support from the curator of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers Museum in Derby, Mrs Angela Tarnowski (née Kelsall), who has an encyclopaedic knowledge not only of our own Museum’s resources, but of where relevant material can be found elsewhere. This was much needed in the earlier stages of research when, as a Warrant Of cer Class 2, I needed support to open doors and add credi- bility to a story which was going to see some sacred cows slaughtered along the way. More latterly she has helped to proof-read and index this publication.
In March 2000 I was invited to attend a book launch in St Quentin by Michel Dutoit having provided him with some photographs for his book, which I have used in this publication. I am grateful to Michel for locating the graves of the Germans who fell at Moÿ de l’Aisne14. On the same visit I met Lieutenant Colonel Richard Miller who shared our journey to France and was a relative of the Masterson brothers who both served with the 12th Lancers during the Great War. Richard has proved a great friend, an effective marker of my
14 Deutsche Soldatenfriedhof Origny-St. Benoîte
Richard Michell and Alice Shields (relatives of Capt Michell)  anking Col Patrick Lort-Phillips (relative of Capt GrenfellVC)
homework and a source of new information, including the maps of Moÿ de l’Aisne which he has graciously allowed me to reproduce. The  rst draft of the story of Moÿ de l’Aisne was written in 2002. It was proof read by my friend and colleague Mr Charles le Vay who helped develop the style that has continued through the book.
It was on the  rst visit to Le Montcel in 1995 that we met Miss Libby Perkins and Bernard and Françoise Lepetit, which has produced a friendship which has endured since then. On the village wall, Le Montcel now boasts a memorial to the 9th Lancers. This became the focus of the centenary commemorations and medal parade and can be seen in Chapter 5. It was entirely due to the efforts of Françoise that it was erected and the Regiment are eternally grateful to her for helping tell our story.
During the last twenty years it has been a privilege to meet so many relatives of those who were at Le Montcel and Moÿ de l’Aisne. They have been unfailingly generous in allow- ing me to use their photographs and material. I would particularly like to thank Colonel Richard Charrington (grandson of Captain HVS Charrington MC*), Lieutenant Colonel
Author with Françoise and Bernard Lepetit

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