Page 15 - Last Chargers example
P. 15
Mrs Patsy Bryer at the grave of Pte AT Bryer
Richard Miller (grandson of Lance Corporal AJ Masterson), Mrs Wendy Williams (daugh- ter of Private LM Lawrence DCM), Richard Michell and Alice Shields (great-nephew and niece of Captain J Michell), Mr Clifford Knight (great-nephew of Lance Corporal H Knight), Captain Foster Swetenham (grandson of Major F Swetenham), Mrs Patsy Bryer (great- niece of Private Bryer), Mr Andrew Mooney (great-grandson of Squadron Sergeant Major Bob Wyness), Mr George Hanlon (son of Private Skipper Hanlon MM*) and Mr Jimmy Meade (great-great nephew of Lieutenant Frederick de Vere Bruce Allfrey).
Lt Col Richard Miller at Moÿ de l’Aisne
I would also like to thank Dr Michael Seed from the Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association (HBSA) for sharing his time and expertise as it relates to Second Lieutenant H Durant RVM. He also provided the expertise on the workings of the .455 RHA Webley and Scott automatic pistol and gave permission to use the picture of the pistol belonging to CaptainTGFTorrie to illustrate the publication.
Solving the riddle of which German regiments were involved in the charges would not have been possible without the translation and tran- scription undertaken by Mrs Connie Keeney. Adding the German perspective is, I believe, unique to this book so I am much indebted to her. Research and translation continued until publication and additional work was done by Mr Victor Launert. I would also like to thank Herr Nikolaus von Gayling-Westphal for his generosity in providing the picture of Freiherr Carl Gayling von Altheim. It was the last piece of the jigsaw to fall into place and it somehow completes the picture. Lastly, I would like to thank Colonels Charrington and Stafford CMG and the Trustees of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers Museum Trust for their help in bringing this book to fruition.
Mr Clifford Knight
Mr George Hanlon