Page 20 - Last Chargers example
P. 20

a lorry containing the oats and rations arrived. Owing to their hurried start, the soldiers had been unable to draw these rations at Bernot. The ASC drivers and lorrymen unloaded all the stores themselves in order to save the exhausted soldiers of the Regiment before they then made their long return journey to collect the next day’s supplies26.
Once the horses had been fed, the Regiment moved nearer to St Quentin and halted under cover while two of cer’s patrols were sent out to Neuville and Mesnil St Laurent. The Regiment halted again while waiting for the patrols to return and cook breakfast, enhanced with eggs and wine procured from a large farm named Lorival. By now the cold damp morning had turned into a hot summer day and the Regiment remained at the halt in a corn eld until, after about an hour and a half, the patrols returned. No signs of the enemy had been seen nor had there been any news of them from the local inhabitants.
26 Charrington – 1 (Part 3, p11)
The Regiment turned back to Châtillon and then moved to Alaincourt where they watered in the Oise. With all now apparently clear the Regiment was sent back into reserve in the village of Moÿ de l’Aisne on the Oise, along with the Scots Greys and J Battery RHA. The 20th Hussars would provide day out-posts around Cérizy on the high ground to the north-west by La Guinguette Farm27.
Château at Moÿ de l’Aisne
The Regiment arrived at Moÿ de l’Aisne at approximately midday, and rested in the grounds of the magni cent medieval château with its beautiful walled garden, moat and lake, with the River Oise  owing through the grounds. On one side the château had been ‘improved’ by the addition of a few big windows, and a ‘dreadful glass screen’28 over the
27 Edmond p228
28 Leche p13
Château at Moÿ

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