Page 21 - Last Chargers example
P. 21
Pte Lawrence
front door, as might be found outside a theatre. The château was the property of Mme Paul Houdée (née Lecuyer29), the wife of a Paris banker who had recently put it up for sale30.
The Regiment, taking the opportunity to rest for the rst time since it arrived in France, nevertheless kept its horses in three states of readiness. One squadron remained saddled up31, ready to move, one squadron loosed their girths, while the other squadron off-saddled. Some of the horses were let loose to graze in the park while others were tethered amongst owerbeds on the beautifully manicured lawns32. Soldiers like Brady33, Merriman34, Edwards and Courtney, from A Squadron, swam in the lake and moat and did their laundry, while Private Lawrence35 took the opportunity to shave – the rst chance since the start of the campaign. Others set about
29 L’Histoire de Moÿ p13
30 Leche p13
31 C Squadron
32 Masterson
33 1420 Private D Brady
34 1214 Private W Merriman
35 3317 Private LM Lawrence
Sgt Grimes
Masterson Brothers AJ CJ – Commissioning photo 1916