Page 25 - Last Chargers example
P. 25

their front.The return  re from the Germans proved inaccurate and, notwithstanding a high rate of  re, their aim was too high and the rounds sang over the heads of the British49 as the Commanding Of cer rode up and down the  ring line directing  re50.
Casualties amongst the 12th Lancers were light. After about half-an-hour’s engagement, only Corporal Snelling’s51 horse52 had been shot in the leg53 while Bernard, one of the interpreters, had been shot in the stomach by a stray bullet and later died of his wound54. However it was clear to Wormald that there were heavier casualties on the German side. He told the Adjutant to reconnoitre the ground between their current position and the German’s to  nd their exact dispositions. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Styles and the Machine Gun Section had positioned their Vickers to the right of the  ring line and were  ring up
49 Snelling p6
50 Lawrence
51 Snelling p6
52 ’Knut’
53 Snelling p6
54 Leche p13
the valley into the wood where some of the Germans occupied the tree line and in which they had their left horses.
Brigadier Chetwode had by now arrived at the 12th Lancers location having come from a conference with General Haig and stated that he was perfectly satis ed with Wormald’s dispositions and action55. He then gave instruc- tions to the 20th Hussars and the Greys to meet a further attack by other units of the German cavalry Brigade which were now found to be opposing the Brigade. Further instructions were given to Wormald to deploy dismounted squadrons to the  ank. J Battery (Major HS Seligman) was ordered to deploy a section56.
J Battery engaged the Germans from about 30057 yards to the left rear of the Regiment as No 3 SectionfromJBattery,whichhadalsobeenrest- ing in Moÿ de l’Aisne, now galloped into action,
55 All of the CO’s actions to this point were on his own initiative and in theory had committed the Brigade reserve in the absence of the Brigade Commander
56 Main – the Guns were pulled by two horses called ‘Jones’ and ‘Jouberst’ – both were still serving in 1925
57 It is likely that this was closer to 800m
Capt Bryant
Cpl Snelling

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