Page 26 - Last Chargers example
P. 26
Pte Pacey
climbing the steep slope and bringing the guns into action in a root eld after 500 yards. Firing at a rapid rate58 over open sights at 1500+ yards, the four guns engaged the Germans while No 2 Section remained in reserve. Other Garde Dragoner (Dragoons) who now tried to cross the valley while mounted were stopped by re from C Squadron of the Greys (Major F Swetenham) who were dismounted near La Guingette Farm. Licking their wounds, the Germans retired back up the hill to some haystacks from whence they had come. Meanwhile A and B Squadrons of the 12th Lancers had joined the earlier group, the Commanding Of cer ordering them to move under cover to the high ground to the east and engage the enemy. The move was executed unseen by the Dragoons and communication was established between all three squadrons of the Regiment59.
A Squadron (Major Macnaughten) had arrived on the eastern end of the ring line amid a hail of bullets, with Lieutenants Davidson, Brand,
58 Maximum rate of re 20 rounds per minute
59 Stewart p251
Lt Heinrich Graf von Finckenstein
Leatham and Boden, and Captain Colmore (attached from the 7th Hussars) leading their troops. The Squadron dismounted and engaged the Dragoons to their front while the non-commissioned of cers looked along the line watching the new recruits60 – Privates Pearce61, Atkinson62, Woodrow63, and Waters64. It was at this point that Lance Corporal Knight65 was shot in the chest. Evacuated from the r- ing line, Harry Knight’s wound was dressed by the Regimental doctor66. Knight, who later died, remained conscious long enough to give instructions for a locket to be taken from under his uniform and sent to his ancée67.
By now the concentrated re of the artillery, machine guns and ri e re of the dismounted squadrons had resulted in the German ‘horse-holders’ being unable to hold their
60 Whelan p20
61 4166 Private CP Pearce
62 4349 Private A Atkinson
63 4615 Private AC Woodrow
64 4308 Private WJ Waters
65 3629 Lance Corporal H Knight
66 Captain HG Gibson RAMC
67 This was done by Sergeant Bushell