Page 10 - Oundle Life July 2024
P. 10

Savvi Travel was established in Dave & Kay Batley’s spare bedroom, back in 2011. Initially from a finance background, they found the set up challenging, but they haven’t looked back...
What made you choose Oundle? We tend to favour towns with Waitrose or M&S
outdoor life on offer there.
Where did you last travel to? In November I
travelled to Thailand – a fascinating place. Any funny moments? We went to Tenerife
many years ago and I sat in the hotel bar
food outlets and good school options, as it fits with our demographic.
Any plans to expand further? We are looking at districts around London: Richmond and Wimbledon Village, plus a couple of towns further north.
What is the best thing about your job? Discovering fantastic new hotels then visiting them.
Describe your business in three words.
Knowledgeable, trustworthy, family-run. Best place if you like a beach holiday? The
Caribbean, with Thailand a very close second. ...and if you prefer scenic? Canada is the
place I would retire to. British Columbia is amazing: hiking, cycling – just an incredible
around Christmas time a few years ago. They experienced freak weather, although it was not normally a bad time to travel to the area. “Get me out of here!” the father said, “...the weather is bad.” We arranged a private plane to fly him and his family to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, we have no control over the weather.
We have many repeat customers, who come back again and again
chatting to a chap. I told him where I was from in the UK and he said that he went out with a girl from the same town. When he said her name, I said “that’s my Mum!” I bounced it straight back and said “hello Dad!” I never saw him for the rest of the holiday!
Any unusual requests that you’ve had? A client and his family had travelled to Langkawi (Malaysia)
Trip advisors

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