Page 11 - Oundle Life July 2024
P. 11

          What makes Savvi Travel different? The most important people in our business are our clients. We have many repeat customers, who come back again and again for us to plan their trips. We would not be Savvi Travel without them.
Who makes you laugh? Micky Flanagan. Proudest moment? That’s easy – my two sons. Dinner out or at home? Dinner out. I’m a
foodie but do like a bit of cooking at home. ...and a favourite tipple to go with it? I’m a Stella drinker, but do like an Old Fashioned
(Scotch whisky, sugar syrup, bitters, water, an orange slice and a maraschino cherry).
You have a day off, what do you do? Day off? My wife will have jobs planned for me, but then we might go out for a nice coffee together.
If money was no object, where would you visit? I would take the family to Brando Island in the South Pacific.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Dogs. We have two Lhasa Apso’s – Steve and Dexter.
Any future ambitions? Not really, I think I
have achieved a lot more than I ever thought, although a Euromillions win would be a bonus.
What brings you joy? Time with my family. The older I get, the more important that is to me. Jaffa cake or Hobnob? Hobnob. It’s a dunking
biscuit, a General among biscuits! If it spoke, it would say “Dunk me, then dunk me again”, unlike a Rich Tea that dissolves far too quickly.
Something people don’t know about you? I used to work security detail for Boy George and Phill Collins back in the day.
Savvi Travel wise, we sponsor a young boy in The Gambia, by paying for his schooling. Closer to home, we plant a tree for every booking made and have done for the last 12 years.
Who inspires you? I didn’t like school at all. Then, as a teenager, I had a teacher: Ian Pink. He threw board rubbers at me, clipped me round the ear (when you could) and told me things straight. The only regret I have is that I didn’t have him as a teacher earlier.

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