Page 111 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 111

                                 The Cheshire Regiment Association
The Cheshire Regiment Association started 2021 quietly because of course, no social activity was permitted under the Covid Regulations. We did, however, hold our Annual General Meeting on the Saturday closest to Meeanee Day, thanks to the internet, although participation was well below the number we would expect in a physical meeting. During the meeting,
as well as the usual AGM fare, Ashley Farrell and Stuart Harrison gave an update on progress toward the installation of a memorial to the Cheshire Regiment at the National Memorial Arboretum. It is hoped that everything will come together for it to be ready in Spring 2022. The Chairman also congratulated Geoff Crump, who is the longest serving volunteer at the Cheshire Military Museum and who works tirelessly doing family history research of former 22nd soldiers, on his well-deserved award of the British Empire Medal for his services to Military Heritage. Congratulations also went to association member Colonel Bob Stewart DSO MP on his appointment to the Privy Council.
The first Brigadier Mike Dauncey Award for an outstanding contribution to the life
of the Cheshire Regiment Association was made to Stefan Wohlleben for his effort
with the “22nd Riders” to raise funds for memorial plaques for the members of the Regiment killed in the Droppin Well bombing atrocity in December 1882. Sadly, Stefan died suddenly on 6th April before he could be given his presentation.
As lockdown restrictions eased, branches started to meet up again, Chester Branch
in their usual haunt, with open windows
to provide ventilation, hand sanitising gel and a QR Code for people to tell the Test and Trace organisation where they had been (although the technophobes were allowed to sign in). Halton Branch held outdoor meetings at the local RBL Club and Stockport Branch held theirs in the garages at The Armoury ARC! As the summer went on, more Branches were able to meet again and suddenly, we seemed to be back to pre-Covid normality
In September, a short ceremony to commemorate the Regiment’s valiant stand at the Battle of Mons took place in the Garden of Remembrance at Chester Cathedral. Wreaths were laid by Major Mike Huntriss and CSgt Andy Powell of the Mercian Regiment and Steve Beswick, a former member of the Regimental
Band sounded Last Post and Reveille. In Audregnies, the village where the action took place, wreaths were laid at the War Graves in the village cemetery and also at the battlefield memorial, by the Bourgmestre of Quievrain and other local dignitaries.
As autumn approached, Stockport Branch busied themselves organising the 74th East Cheshire Reunion and on the last Saturday of October, CRA members from all over the country descended
on The Armoury for the annual feast of Remembrance and Hotpot.
Once again, the CRA produced a
good showing at the National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph in London as well as taking part in commemorations around the country.
In early December, a number of members travelled to Ballykelly to commemorate
the 39th anniversary of the Droppin Well bombing. A church service, organised by Ken Cooper of the Limavady Branch was held at Tamlaghtfinlagan Parish Church, Ballykelly, and reflecting the fact that a number of local people also lost their lives on the night of 6th December 1982, they were joined at the service by The Lord Lieutenant of the County of Londonderry, Mrs Alison Miller, The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Richard Holmes as well as members of the local community and relatives and friends of those who died.
The multi-denominational service was led by Reverend Harold Given, Church of Ireland, and assisted by Reverend Phillip Houston, Ballykelly Presbyterian Church. The Right Reverend Monsignor Bryan McCanny from Limavady RC Church, although a regular at this service was unable to attend.
Following the service, wreaths were laid at the memorial by The Lord Lieutenant, CRA Chairman Peter Gresty, Limavady Branch CRA, WO1 M Philpot, The Mercian Regiment, and by local families of those killed in the bombing.

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