Page 113 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
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                                We look forward to hearing that more Members are feeling confident enough
to attend Branch meetings in the coming months and we hope to see as many as possible at the Reunion in June 2022 and at the Pilgrimage in July 2022.
Message from the WFRA Editor
Mark Dack
My name is Mark Dack and I served with 3 WFR and I am also active member of Long Eaton and West Notts Branch. It was during a branch meeting in late 2018 that I was asked if I would like to take over the role of Newsletter Editor. I didn’t have to think about it for too long; I jumped at the chance to become more involved, and the newsletter seemed the perfect way for me to do that. After some instruction from Andy McDougal the previous Editor, I soon got into the intricacies of how the software worked and where the information for the newsletter came from etc and I took to it like a duck to water with a near seamless transition from one editor to another.
All was going very well! I was getting regular feedback from readers and there were plenty of events and news from the branches and RHQ each week. Then in early 2020 Covid 19 hit the world, and everything changed, all events and meetings were cancelled, and this meant there would be nothing in the newsletter. It was at this point that I realised that for some readers
it was possibly the only communication
they received from the outside world each week. So rather than leave the newsletter in suspended animation I would Keep Calm and Carry On, after all I was furloughed
and had plenty of spare time, so I looked through the internet and my reference books to find articles to keep the newsletter going. This included re-visiting Regimental History, famous battles and other items with a military connection that I thought would be of interest to the readers. I was also inspired by my wife Katie who worked for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club. Back in 2018 she was asked to write an article
on Sgt Charles Pepper who served with
the 16th Bn Sherwood Foresters in WWI and also played cricket for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club. This idea was expanded to include all of the cricketers from the Sherwood Foresters recruiting area who fought in WWI, which then lead onto
a similar series of articles on footballers
and poets which were all researched and written by Katie. Going forward, there will be more historical and other articles of interest to come. Hopefully in the coming months there will be some events to look forward to as well.
I would like to thank Katie for her support and the articles she has written
I would also like to thank everyone else who has contributed to the newsletter in any way and last but now means least the readers for their kind comments on the newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter or if you have any events or articles that you would like publishing, please forward them to Newsletter@stand-
incredibly proud of two of our members, Gordon Carran and Brian Smith, who were awarded the WFRA Merit Award at the recent AGM. The Branch sends best wishes to all those serving in the Mercian Regiment, and the other Regimental Associations linked to the regiment. Our thanks go to the staff at RHQ Mercian, and the outstation
at Chilwell, for their continued support in keeping us informed of events. We look forward to commencing meetings in early 2022 and offer a warm welcome to any serving, or former member of the regiment, and the antecedents.
  Chesterfield Branch
Mick Giles
The Chesterfield Branch is very strong
with a total to date of 97 members from
far and wide. We are now having our
regular monthly meetings which are well
attended. At the Clay Cross Gala on 4
September, 8 members from the branch
attended with a stall showing some light
weapons, badges, head dress and photo which generated plenty of interest from the public. On 18 September, we held our annual Alma Dinner which was well attended including new branch members.
 3 WFR Branch
Paul Hallett
3WFR Branch held an opportunistic 50th Anniversary Buffet Party
on the evening of 11 December 2021 at The Stepping Stones Centre, Heanor. Our sincere thanks go to the Centre Manager and Robin Tilston, ex 1 and 3 WFR
and Centre Trustee, for hosting
us. It was a healthy turn out from ex 3 WFR members (it was good
to see so many Regimental ties), some of whom are still serving, as well as support staff who served with us, and family members of
all. Photographs and albums were supplied by the museum, Col Sneath and Gary and Jean Crosby; all enjoyed reminiscing and trying to name those in the photographs. The Chair, Col David Sneath, addressed those present with a potted history of the Battalion, expressing sincere gratitude to two attendees who had been serving in 1971.
  Derby Branch
Alan Derbyshire
Despite the restrictions imposed upon us by Covid, the Derby Branch continues
to flourish, with regular contact being maintained with members vie email, post and telephone. We have been fortunate to recruit five new members and we welcome them to the Association and Branch. At the request of families, we have attended funerals, with our Standards and members forming an honour guard.
With regard to Remembrance parades,
it was pleasing to once again attend
the school’s parade on 10 November at Chaddesden Park, at which six primary schools took part, the service on 11 November at Soldiers Corner in Nottingham Road Cemetery, and the main parade in Derby on Remembrance Sunday. At the school’s parade, two schools were led by Branch members. Credit must be given
to our two Standard Bearers who, even though not on “top form” at the time, attended the parades. The branch is also

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