Page 16 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 16

 Pl Comd Pl Sgt
Wr Sgt
Lt Mitch Woodward Sgt Daniel Wright/ Sgt Rich Doyle
Sgt Jamie Groom
                                  4 Platoon
2021 saw 4 Platoon deploy abroad to
both Germany and Estonia, spending
nine months out of the UK in total and conducting a wide variety of training and AT. It has been a busy period for the troops that has seen all of them develop their soldiering ability considerably and avoiding COVID isolation with varying degrees of success.
4 Platoon began the year on the second rotation of Ex TALLINN DAWN in Germany. This was our final pre-deployment training for Op CABRIT 8 later in the year. It saw us deploy in frigid temperatures with severe COVID restrictions. We took to
the challenge in good spirits, ensuring we were suitably prepared for the hardships that we would face with piping hot rollover hotdogs and other assorted pastries from the excellent NAAFI in Sennelager Camp. Fortunately, despite all of the training activity which was available, we didn’t allow this to get in the way of our long periods of quality COVID isolation too often.
We then returned to the UK for some well needed pre-deployment leave, and the men made the most of this opportunity to spend time with their families before departing to Estonia. The picture we
4 Platoon on Ex MALTESE MARKSMAN in Nursipalu, April 2021
faced in Estonia was incredibly like the one we faced in Germany. This was a relief for me and the other platoon commanders, we could say with honesty that our time spent thawing out the soldiers in Germany had not been wasted because now we could apply that crucial training in theatre too.
Thankfully the troops adapted to the challenges well and proved to be an excellent training partner to our Estonian colleagues on several different exercises
clearances and force on force urban training. Again, 4 Platoon tested their mettle in arduous conditions. This time they were staring down the barrel of 35°C heat. We proved ourselves to be a formidable fighting force, smashing anyone we faced in the urban village. One private soldier memorably took the initiative during
excellent training partner to our Estonian colleagues on several different exercises, both nations testing our skills facing off against each other in battle. Sgt Wright excelled in this area, aggressively fending off a section of Estonians on his own during Ex SPRING STORM. Thankfully he was reinforced by a section of 4 Platoon soldiers to repel a particularly challenging Estonian attack. Once international relations had been repaired, we deployed to Nursipalu for some well needed BBQs and sunbathing; interspersed with some live trench
singlehandedly while terrifying the enemy with his war cry (or more precisely howls of pain).
We then recovered to the UK in September to the welcome relief of our families, and to the screams of our livers. Ready to take post-tour leave, the men bomb-burst up the A303 faster than they cleared dug-in Estonian positions on the Central Training Area in the months prior. Having returned from leave we now have troops undertaking gunnery training, poised to fire in Lulworth and Castlemartin early next year.
   Thankfully the troops adapted to the challenges well and proved to be an
another platoon’s foolhardy sub-terranean attack, he dived (actually he fell) down
an open manhole and repelled the attack
Cpl Cox on a CQM range in Adazi, June 2021
 4 Platoon on Ex TOUGH MUCKER in Tapa, August 2021

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