Page 31 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 31

                                 Anti-Tank Platoon
 OC Capt Oli Scott
2IC WO2 Michael Catarall
The Anti-Tank Platoon has continued to grow, finishing the year with 54 soldiers having crewed 10 WARRIOR vehicles and manned 12 JAVELIN posts throughout the 6-month deployment on Op CABRIT 8.
January saw the Platoon deployed to
the -17°C temperatures of the Sennelager Training Area in Germany, rapidly integrating new faces into the demands of anti-tank soldiering and completing Next-generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon (NLAW) live firing on Exercise TALLIN DAWN in the harsh winter conditions.
After a short well-earned rest in the UK, the Platoon deployed into the freezing winter landscape surrounding Tapa Camp, Estonia. Snow and ice soon thawed to reveal a land of forest and bog which the Platoon got to grips with in the first few weeks, discovering exactly how deeply a WARRIOR can embed itself in the swamp. The major deployment of the tour occurred in May, taking part
in the annual Estonian Defence Forces deployment on Ex SPRING STORM. The Platoon worked closely throughout with Estonian SPIKE and JAVELIN operators. Sgt James fully integrated 1 Section within the Estonian Scouts Battalion Anti-Tank Platoon for Battlegroup live firing training, scoring hits with JAVELIN on every presented target and coordinating fire from Spike, Patria APC .50 cal and JAVELIN.
Cpls Adams and Ward were often to be found off camp braving the conditions of luxury Tallin Hotels. The anti-tank training they delivered for the Estonian Defence League North received the commendation of an Estonian 2-Star General. Meanwhile LCpl Scarrot did his part for international relations by dutifully consuming and providing commentary to his Estonian counterparts on every available item in the Estonian ration pack.
In July the JNCOs put the Platoon through its paces on an arduous 4-week cadre in Estonia; 15 new soldiers qualified as JAVELIN Gunners and passed the test exercise to earn their anti-tank shoulder flash, a remarkable addition of new blood to the Platoon. The cadre culminated with a “force on force” exercise testing armoured infantry know how against anti-tank tactics.
LCpl Rogers initiates contact during Ex SPRING STORM live firing
Dust is yet to settle on the final result,
with Sgts Cullum and Hoyte both claiming victory. Platoon Standard Operating Procedures also now ensure that the Platoon Commander carries a personal fire extinguisher at all times and practises trip- flare recognition techniques before every deployment.
The final breakout of the Platoon’s armoured fleet was the rapid deployment to eastern Estonia on Ex DRAGONS DEMONSTRATE. This proved the response time of the Platoon as part of the Vanguard Company Group deployment from Tapa Camp – a march under armour to eastern Estonia and establishment of Anti-Tank positions in support of a French squadron attack.
After a final JAVELIN and NLAW range day shared with French MILAN and ERYX operatorst, the Platoon returned from Estonia to some well-earned post-tour leave before reporting to camp to prepare for whatever the next year may bring.
The Platoon bids a fond farewell to Sgt Hoyte and wishes best of luck to Sgt James on his appointment as a Platoon Sgt at
AFC Harrogate. Congratulations are due on well-earned promotion to Sgt Cullum, Cpls Quinn and Scarrot and LCpls Rogers and Spilsbury.
With fifteen new JAVELIN operators, four newly qualified Detachment Commanders and two new Regimental Instructors Gunnery, the Platoon has become a different beast in 2021 and is ready to meet the challenges of 2022.
 LCpl Osbourne surveys the scene, providing early warning to 1 Section during Ex SPRING STORM Live Fire
Top cadre student Pte Pell launches a JAVELIN on target during a range day with French Anti-Tankers

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