Page 38 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 38

  Catering Department
As a department this has been a very busy period with arrivals and departures of staff during pre-deployment training, the COVID-19 pandemic and the 6-month deployment to Estonia.
Whilst in Sennelager the Department moulded well and adapted to the busy battle rhythm of a Battlegroup (BG) led exercise. With this came the challenge
of working alongside and understanding how to operate within a global pandemic. With consummate professionalism the Department adapted and produced meals for well over 400 isolated personnel for most of the deployment.
The Catering Department arrived
in Estonia with a relative sense of
relief that we could settle into a more stable rhythm of work as the pandemic restrictions started ease. This saw many an opportunity for the Department to enjoy what Estonia had to offer. This included conducting Adventure Training,
weekends away to many of the different cultural towns and cities, as well as a department-led weekend stand down period in a local town house.
Whilst in Estonia the Department
had the privilege of serving a dinner
for the Ambassador and his delegates
at his residence in Tallinn. This was produced using field catering equipment and received high praise from all that attended. It was during this celebration that members of the department received their NATO medals from Commander CABRIT.
The Commanding Officer (CO) took time out of his busy schedule to work with some of the junior members of the Department. He wanted to understand the work routine and was more than willing to get involved with all aspects
of the catering output (this included emptying the bins) which caused the BGCWO to have a small heart attack. The junior members of the Department as a collective were shocked when they found out that the CO wanted to come work with them and took immense pride
WO2 Lloyd showcasing he still has still skills to shake and bake
in showing him how they conduct their duties.
As a department this has been a rewarding 12 months, working alongside a very busy, energetic and hungry Battalion.
  RCWO WO2 Charlotte Duell SNCO Sgt Paul Milne SNCO Sgt Shiai Gurung
Med SNCO Nurse
Maj John Vaughan- Smales
Sgt Kerry McGrath Sgt Mark Samuels
                                 Medical Section
This period has seen the Regimental
Aid Post (RAP) deploy in support of
the Battalion and the Battlegroup in
three countries. Starting off in January
for Ex TALLINN DAWN, in Sennelager Germany for the final part of the pre deployment training for OP CABRIT, this saw the Company Medics embedded within their Company’s for the validation exercise as well as covering medical centre duties
During the handover period, COVID reared its ugly head, which quickly saw an increase in cases day by day; at its worse point there were 19 confirmed positives
in one day and close to 400 individuals in contact isolation – the joys of the 10-person room. Team Med, who found their own personnel numbers impacted, were at one point down to the Med Sgt and RMO to continue the COVID duties while living out of their offices.
Following the roll out of COVID vaccinations in the UK, the Battlegroup was successful in securing delivery of Astra Zeneca vaccines. This allowed the RAP
1 Mercian RAP on Op CABRIT 8.
behind. This has seen them deploy to Brecon and Scotland and both successfully earn their ‘Grenadier flash’. LCpl Everill has also Deployed to Malawi as part of a UK STTT assuring Malawian Defence Force (MDF) instructors’ delivery of UN Pre- Deployment Training for Op MONUSCO in the DRC.
Despite an exceptionally busy year with deployment and COVID, the Med Team remained highly functional and effective throughout and when all were asked, they said they would do the past year again if they could. It is though with happiness to be back in Bulford in a ’normal’ routine, but with sadness we say farewell to Maj Vaughan-Smales who has been posted on after the return from deployment.
to ensure all soldiers
where medically fit to
deploy. This consisted
of the continuation of
vaccination and audio
parades as well as
the routine jogging of
primary health care.
Unfortunately, COVID
continued to impact
upon training and
manning of all departments throughout.
Deployment to Estonia in March saw the majority of the RAP deploy, leaving only a small and relatively junior footprint in the UK to support the Rear Operations Group. The RAP grew to become a 15 strong medical team with rehab support and additional medics in a newly built fully equipped medical building in Estonia.
to develop and deliver
a successful COVID vaccination programme. On completion of the tour, every individual had been offered two vaccinations.
COVID numbers started decreasing with the successful COVID vaccination programme
and the start of the summer months. Team Med continued to further develop not only their knowledge and skills but those of the Battlegroup by running team medic courses and enhanced med lessons.
The two junior CMTs that remained on the ROG also had a busy period with covering not only DPHC medical centre duties but supporting the Company who remained
 The RAP grew to become a 15 strong medical team with rehab support and additional medics

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