Page 63 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 63

                                 8 Platoon
2Lt Thornhill
8 Platoon has participated in two major Operations this year. Op CATTALO was in support of the withdrawal of kit and equipment from Afghanistan and Op ESCALIN which was to support tanker drivers during the fuel crisis.
Earlier in the year a team of 8 were deployed on Op CATTALO. Whilst deployed their main role was to provide force protection
for assets being withdrawn
from Afghanistan. It was a great opportunity for the troops to see a different part of the world and work alongside other Regiments and partner host nation security forces.
In the latter half of the year, two teams from the Platoon were sent on Op ESCALIN and their role
was to assist military drivers in
the delivery of fuel to civilian fuel courts. The teams were deployed
to the Northeast and Southeast regional areas. This meant providing navigation for the driver in unfamiliar locations, ensuring the fuel arrived safely, at the correct sites, at the correct time and assisting in the unloading process. 8 Platoon rose to the challenge, learned completely new skills and tried something a bit different to their normal day to day soldiering. They continually applied themselves and demonstrated a professional approach and must be proud of their contribution in helping the country in a time of need.
Before Christmas leave, 8 Platoon ran a mountain biking adventurous training package for C Company, braving the elements and traveling North to Inverness. The 5-day course pushed the riders out of their comfort zone, where they learned new skills and, most importantly, had a bit of fun in preparation for 2022!
 Pte Lorja, Op CATTALO
 Ex KABUL EAGLE: 7 Platoon attend a Road Traffic Accident with a casualty
7 Platoon
Lt Blackstone
2021 has been another busy year for
7 Platoon, C (KOHIMA) Coy. The year started with a deployment to Kenya in mid-January taking part in Ex ASKARI STORM, bringing with it the challenges of deploying in the peak of a global pandemic. This exercise is the pinnacle of light infantry soldiering and the Platoon rose well to the task despite the heat and terrain creating
a challenging operating environment.
The Platoon said their goodbyes to
both Lt Davenport, now B Coy 2IC, and newly promoted CSgt Pendlebury, now 2 Rangers, making way for Lt Blackstone and Sgt Ward as the new Platoon commander and Sergeant respectively.
On return from Kenya, 7 Platoon received confirmation of their next commitment to Op TORAL, Afghanistan, and the pace of life at Battalion increased rapidly. To deploy on Op TORAL we had to learn how to use the new Foxhound vehicle, which was
no small task. It involved large numbers
of soldiers attending armoured driving courses, while NCOs and officers attended commanders’ courses. The end state saw the Platoon fully capable and qualified to
operate and maintain the vehicles. Op TORAL introduced many of the platoon to new skills such as vehicle formations and operating from vehicles rather than on foot and all adapted well to the theatre-specific training conducted.
Ex KABUL EAGLE was our first opportunity to test ourselves in scenarios similar to those expected in Kabul. This was the first chance for most to work with the Foxhound vehicles, which they picked up quickly as the exercise progressed.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan meant that this was never tested for real, but the Platoon’s attitude and effort throughout was commendable and they deserve
great credit for being ready for the task so quickly. On the cancelling of Op TORAL, we deployed on our next challenge; Op ESCALIN, assisting the civilian authorities with the fuel crisis. Due to the outstanding performance on which the government’s response to the fuel crisis hinged, we were extended, and the platoon has once again performed admirably to get the job done. This focus and dedication will stand us in good stead as we start our preparations for a return to Kenya, as we provide enemy as the so-called Task Force Hannibal (TFH) for 1 PWRR in the New Year.
 Ex KABUL EAGLE:7 Platoon provide protection outside government building.

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