Page 64 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 64

CSM CQMS Mortars
Anti Tanks
Machine Guns Snipers Assault Pioneers
Maj T. Reynolds
to Jul 21 then
Maj R. Townsend
WO2 R. Weaver
CSgt C. Wightman Capt D. Darkings, WO2 A. Senior
Capt D. Sidwell,
CSgt A. Townsend
to Aug 21 then
CSgt D. White
Capt C. Hunt to Apr 21 then Capt S. Tuck, CSgt Williams
Lt F. Whimster
CSgt Narukutabua CSgt Davis, Sgt Green Sgt A. Hall
                                DRAGON (Fire Support) Company
      Maj Townsend, OC
If looking to describe 2021 for
DRAGON Company with one word it would be resilience. From a COVID stricken deployment to Kenya for Exercise ASKARI STORM 21/1 to being stood down from
Op TORAL 15; the tenacious attitude and resolute output was seen from all who serve within the senior company. The resilience that saw limited numbers able to deploy onto the ground achieve good effect with new imaginative and lethal groupings and
a fighting spirit as part of the Vanguard concept on the summative aspects of the Collective Training exercise in Kenya. The resilience that saw fleeting opportunities for quality training grasped with both hands such as Anti Tanks ability to turn around
an offer of missiles for live firing in less than 2 weeks. And the resilience to persevere to deliver quality instruction on Specialist Weapons cadres despite short timeframes, lack of resources or being repeatedly bumped from training areas due to low priority.
DRAGON have also seen themselves being a lead for partnering across several fronts and building firm relationships. Anti- Tanks expanded their original Pl level training to lead, as the SMEs, a Brigade wide ATk exercise with members of the Queen’s Dragoon Guards. Machine Guns worked closely with 1 LANCS to deliver their cadres. Recce shared their cadre with 2 SCOTS. Snipers enjoyed an unrivalled opportunity to join 1 MERCIAN in ESTONIA to get badged and then worked with 12 Mech Bde to deliver a sniper cadre in the UK. Mortars mutually supported 4 MERCIAN Mortarmen; initially supplying safety supervisors for their Ex SAXON LANCE and latterly welcoming assistance on their own Mortar Cadre live firing in WARCOP.
A focus on development of personnel
and attainment of qualifications was at
the forefront of DRAGON Coy’s specialist weapons cadres that were competently raised in a short time frame on the formal notification of the stand down of all activity relating to Op TORAL. Delivered across the country it saw 41 new qualifications for those not only in DRAGON Coy, but the Rifle Coys. This sets the soldiers in good stead for the inevitable rehoming during 2022.
Well dones. All the soldiers, NCOs and Officers in DRAGON Coy have worked hard throughout this year but a handful of
honourable mentions are in order. Firstly, Cpl Silvers (Mortars) developed and ran the reconditioning PT whilst also undergoing his own rehabilitation. Throughout he continually conducted himself to a high standard and delivered an excellent output which has benefited soldiers across the Battalion. Secondly is the exemplary instruction, enthusiasm and selfless commitment that LCpl Dudley (Anti-Tanks) showed when delivering multiple back to back courses
of Driver and Maintenance Instructor support for 2 MERCIAN’s preparation for
Op TORAL 15 and 3 PARA’s preparation for Op SHADER. And finally, LCpl Gurung 78 (Recce) received an outstanding report and Instructor Recommendation from Section Commanders Battle Course.
Farewells. DRAGON Coy have said a number of farewells to some big characters during 2021; all of whom have contributed to the success of the Company, developed our soldiers but also made the Company a fun place to be. First and foremost was the departure of Maj Tom Reynolds; a Company Commander with an infectious laugh and enthusiastic nature who’s diligence and meticulousness ensured DRAGON Coy was a significant force multiplier in all activity. Capt Charlie Hunt moved on to Instruct
at Senior Division, IBS after dominating
on Ex. ASKARI Storm. CSgt Adam Townsend’s departure ensured DRAGON was significantly quieter but his influence and the example he set continues to be
felt. He took up the reins as CSM of C Coy, 1 MERCIAN.

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