Page 66 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 66

  Mortar Platoon
Capt Darkins
Following its return from Ex ASKARI STORM in Kenya, the Mortar Platoon has had a busy year. Preparation for Op TORAL began right away. Members of the Platoon were away on courses becoming trained on the kit and equipment that would have been vital to ensuring mission success. When
the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan was announced, the Mortar Platoon quickly turned its attention
to planning and conducting a Mortar Cadre, allowing troops to get back their weapon specific training. This ensures that should they be needed; the Platoon can deploy fully competent and qualified in Mortaring.
The Cadre began on 1 Nov and has seen the Platoon deploy for 6 weeks
to Warcop. The cadre allows soldiers aspiring to join the Mortar Platoon to become a qualified Mortarman and requalifies its current platoon members. Week 1 of the cadre starts with build- up fitness to prepare the soldiers for later in the cadre and Weapon Handling Lessons. Week 4 culminates in the weapon handling tests for the soldiers,
day and night navigation exercises and Ex HEAVY CARRY. Ex HEAVY CARRY
is designed to test the soldiers mentally and physically. The Mortar Section is required to carry kit weighing upwards
of 40kg over a local mountain in order to bring the mortars in to action. Week 5 is the Live fire package of the cadre where the Platoon go from the basics up to the ACMT where once fired they become current and qualified Mortarman. With the soldiers trained, the final week consists of a day escape and evasion navigation exercise. Soldiers will set off to a pre-determined location and then 30 minutes later they will be followed by the Cadre Instructors in a bid to make it to the extraction point 12km away without being overtaken or caught. This allows the soldiers to develop their navigational skills over a prolonged distance whilst under pressure.
Away from the Cadre, the Mortar Platoon has supported the government during the HGV driver shortage. Members of the platoon have deployed on Op ESCALIN driving HGV’s and aiding in the delivery of fuel to prevent
Descent of Victor during Ex Heavy Carry
further fuel shortages during winter. With the Cadre coming to a close, the
Platoon is looking forward to a well- deserved Christmas leave period. After Christmas, the Platoon will train and develop tactics to help set the Bn up for success when they deploy to play enemy on Ex ASKARI STORM in Kenya.
 1 Det Awaiting Orders from the Section Commander
                                THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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