Page 81 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 81

                                 WO’s and Sgt’s Mess
WO2 Russ Weaver
The beginning of this year marked a very busy period for the WOSM. From returning from Cyprus until now our feet have hardly touched the floor. With a forecast of events that saw the Battalion returning from Cyprus and some mess members immediately deploying onto Ex ASKARI STORM, the mess didn’t find itself fully established in its new home in Weeton Barracks until May. However, with all fixtures and fittings in the right place, we were moved in just in time
to bid farewell to WO1 Catherwood and welcome in WO1 Clements.
Due to the pandemic, we had to wait until August before we could officially Dine in the Regimental Sergeant Major. As we squeezed into the mess for the evening, we enjoyed some lovely food and wine and vocal entertainment from Sgt Ball. The first large scale event we had in our new home went down with great success.
Making up for lost time, our next event was immediately around the corner.
For our Summer function, we enjoyed
a Peaky Blinders themed night with our partners, organised by CSgt Rich Joynes. The evening went down a storm, with entertainment and horse racing and involved some enthusiastic betting from all mess members. We were also treated to casino stalls and some great food from the mess. The night was enjoyed by all.
Outside of social events we have had several visits to the WOSM from the
4 Brigade Commander and Colonel infantry, allowing the hot topic of the amalgamation
to be discussed at length with all mess members.
In the later part of the year the Sergeants took part in a Sergeants competition, which saw them take on several challenges, form navigation in the forest of Bowland, to fitness tests, and the final test coming in the way of a planning exercise. The overall winner of this tightly fought event was Sgt Ross Hallam who was presented his award
Sgt Hallam winner of the Sgts Competition
by the Commanding Officer.
As the year ended, we enjoyed another
excellent event in the Mess, with the PEC and his team doing an outstanding job. With the mess decorated in Christmas attire, we enjoyed a great evening of entertainment, food, and some great prizes to celebrate Christmas and mark the end of a busy but rewarding 2021.
 Peaky Blinders night

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