Page 39 - QARANC Vol 20 No 1 2022
P. 39

                                the lead in times for mobilisation, a clumsy mobilisation process, limited realistic training and equipment as well as little integration with the regular forces.
When compared to the Reserve of today it was limited in its capability due mainly to the lack of realistic training and resource, certainly not
application to join the Regular Army about a year after I was commissioned to 205 Gen Hosp. I was clear on what I wanted from a Regular career so in 1984 I submitted my application.
I was invited for an interview with the Women’s Services Liaison Officer (WSLO) and received a rather frosty
backed away and decided to stick with the flexible options of the TA. It was probably the luckiest break I had as a Junior Officer. In the circumstances I doubt if I would have served for more than three years. However, that was the situation of Army Nursing at that time. The policy changes which happened later to open the Corps addressed these issues with a vengeance and made us the organisation we value today.
Career management and development within the TA at that time was basic, so I decided that I needed to take a more structured approach similar to my Regular contemporaries, although operational deployments for the TA at that time were few and far between, courses and attachments were available. I made a point of doing all the things the WSLO said I couldn’t do and had a great time in all of them.
One of my proudest achievements and areas of greatest influence was the part I played in establishing the pre-deployment training and validation pathway.
The Gazette QARANC Association 39
      in terms of dedication and enthusiasm.
I was clear on
what I wanted from a Regular career so in 1984 I submitted my application
reception. Things brightened up a bit when I said that I was Theatre Nurse however they fell apart when I expressed an interest in a career beyond Theatres. It was made very clear that as an RAMC Nursing Officer my rank ceiling would be Major, I would probably be sent to a BMH Theatre in
The physical elements
of kit and equipment
have changed out of all recognition, as has the
quality of training and our
instructor base. However,
the big changes are related
to the utility of the Reserves
and how they are now integral to and integrated with the Regular component, often providing unique capabilities.
Germany, no I would not be considered for a Field Ambulance posting, being newly married would be difficult as in Germany (if successful) I would need to wait a minimum of two years for a Married Quarter.
It was made very clear that none of this was negotiable, so I rapidly
   There are events in life which have huge potential impacts on the future but sometimes don’t work out the way you intend. One such event was my

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