Page 5 - QARANC Vol 20 No 1 2022
P. 5

                                ‘Making history while stood in a rabbit hole!’
I do hope you all had a joyous festive season, meeting family and friends without the previous restrictions. Interestingly I found that there did not appear to be the forecasted shortages of festive fayre!
At the end of October, the Board of Trustees (BoT) had a development period with an outside facilitator; here we investigated our strengths, weaknesses, diversity, team cohesion and future activity. The outcome was excellent, and the facilitator highly impressed.
This year we will review our policies and procedures. Regulation constantly changes and we must ensure that we are keeping pace with these changes. One other area that we intend to direct major work is our relationship with the Branches.
Our chair of Heritage, Keiron Spires, has retired, we thank him for his excellent work and hope he will be a willing adviser to the BoT. We welcome Emily Heney and thank her for accepting the invite to the BoT.
I am sure all are looking forward to the reunion in Cardiff. May is a pleasant month and this will be my first visit to the Welsh capital. See you there!
There are several significant anniversaries this year and, if I may, I
would like to expand on one that affected me personally. On the first of April (not exactly the best day considering the connotations!) it will be 30 years since the male nurses came into the QARANC and females out with the nursing cadre went over to other Corps.
At that time, I was an instructor at the QATC. On the day in question a reporter and photographer from the local newspaper appeared. I was an RAMC nurse and due to transfer to the QARANC and the QARANC Administration officer would be transferring to the RAMC.
The photographer wandered the grounds looking for a suitable background, the reporter turned to me:
‘‘Do you have someone smaller?’’ ‘’Why? I asked’’
‘’These are sweeping changes in
the Services, and we need to ensure equality thus you need to be the same height as the lady.’’
This was a strange definition of equality, but I will do as I am told I thought. The photographer appeared with the solution. For those who remember the QATC the grounds were abound with rabbits thus rabbit holes and having selected a background the photographer wanted I was stood in a rabbit hole next to the Admin officer.
As we both appeared to be the same height we shook hands, exchanged stable belts and smiled. Pictures done!
As all from those days may understand there were some frictional components to change – there always is. From my perspective I had found my previous 20 years rather odd, my professional career was run by another Corps, my postings by both Corps – some operational tours back then were ‘men only’ e.g. Northern Ireland posts, the Dhofar, St Kilda and others.
I did not feel I belonged to any Corps. My epiphany moment came, I knew where I belonged and where I was going, I had pride. The change and the acceptance of men within the QARANC was rapid. Today I see a strong and cohesive Corps.
Stay safe and look after each other.
John Quinn,
Chair of the Board of Trustees
The Gazette QARANC Association 5
       Introducing our new editor
 Dear Reader, it is a real honour and a privilege to have been asked by the Board to take up the reins as Editor of the QARANC Gazette. At the outset I must pay tribute to my predecessor, Major (Retd) Alison Spires, for her sterling work and dedication to this publication over the last few years and to wish her well for the future.
As a civilian, the world of the Army and Nursing is still somewhat new to me and I am on a steep learning curve (thank you for bearing with me).
Taking up this role has caused me to reflect on my own family’s service, which is a source of pride to us. My grandfather served in the RAF during World War Two, undertaking many dangerous missions, and taking a rare day off on Christmas Day in 1941 to marry my grandmother! One of
my uncles served in the Royal Navy, including seeing action in the Falklands campaign of 30 years ago this year.
My professional background for the last 25 years has been in journalism, including stints on local and national newspapers, and magazines. Most recently I worked in communications for the Police Federation and as editor of their magazine. As a member organisation geared to welfare and support there are many similarities with the QARANC.
So, it will be my job going forward to update you on everything that happens in the Association and its branches, and to bring you stories of the wonderful work that is being done every day by the QARANC to improve the lives of members. You will find a great example of this on page 12.
I am keen to receive your feedback on this, my first edition, and what you’d like to see in these pages in future. I very much look forward to meeting you in the months ahead.
Steve Bax

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