Page 2 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
P. 2

Chiron Calling is your magazine, please provide the largest, clearest images you have. We welcome photos to accompany articles, but please remember...
 Images that open small on your screen will not reproduce well.
If you increase the size and it looks like this, it will not be suitable for print.
Embedded images reduce the image quality, please supply the original files, not in a Word document.
                               MOBILE PHONE IMAGES
Some mobile phones images are saved directly to a cloud based server, such as the iCloud, only storing a ‘smaller’ version of the image on your device for viewing. When sending photos to the editor, please remember to send your images from the cloud for the best results!
All submissions must be sent via email typed up in a Word document.
Please limit to approx. 600 words.
When submitting an article please include your name, rank (if applicable) and contact details.
If using abbreviations please write out in full the first time the initials are used.
Contributors are respectfully reminded that for ease of reading jargon, slang and military report style should be avoided.
1 Sept 2022
Autumn Edition 2022
Contributions to be emailed to
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain the permission of individuals appearing in photos, and that copyright fees/credits where applicable are paid.
The Association reserves the right to edit articles and reject those unsuitable.
Crown Copyright:
This publication contains official information and should therefore be treated with discretion. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise, of the Corps or the MOD. No part of this publication may be reproduced without express written permission of the Corps and publishers.

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