Page 3 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
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Lt Col Abby DuBaree Regimental Secretary RAVC RHQ AMS
Robertson House, Slim Road, Camberley GU15 4NP. or
Editorial Team
Major Sean Jones
WO1 (RSM) Craig Woodall WO1 (RSM) Angie Speer
On the cover:
Left: Capt Karen Pettit operating on a dummy dog on Exercise Middle: Sgt Lewis receiving her graduation certificate
on completion of the JWIC Right: HRH The Princess
Royal Visit to 1 MWD Regt
Published on behalf of the Corps by:
Crest Publications,
12 Brooklands Court, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering,
Northants NN15 6FD.
Tel: 01536 317000
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From the editor
by Lt Col Abby DuBaree, Regimental Secretary RAVC RHQ AMS
As we complete almost one year
since our last publication,
I continue to work from home
like many others, we wonder what happened to the excitement of looking forward to the 2021 Summer months and Christmas that seem some distant past. My highlights over the last year have been the great opportunity to start travelling and to meet up with the troops
once again. One of the main events was the visit
of the Colonel
in Chief,
Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal to 1 Military Working Dog Regiment RAVC in North Luffenham
in June to celebrate the belated 10th anniversary of the Regiment and also John Shipp day on 25 June which is recognised as the foundation day for the RAVC.
In July, the Chief Veterinary and Remount Officer and I visited 101 MWD Sqn on Exercise with 22 Field Hospital in the South of England.
It was good to see Maj Mike Simpson, Capt Karen Pettit and the RAVC team deployed in their mini veterinary hospital at Barton Stacey.
Another highlight was the attendance of the previous CVRO, Colonel (Retd) Neil Smith and I at
the NATO War Memorial at Fréthun in Calais when we unveiled an animal war memorial stone that was funded by our Australian friends from AWAMO. You will be able to read about the event in this edition.
The consequence of the continued restrictions with COVID 19 meant a cancellation of the Reunion that was planned for Sunday 12 September. As an alternative we went ahead with this Reunion in the form of an all ranks function in the evening of Friday 3 December 2021. Some 200 troops and Association members attended this function which was a total success, thanks to the diligent
planning by RSM Angie Speer. While working on this edition we also had to cancel the RAVC Officers’ Club Dinner that was planned for Friday 8
October 21 at North Luffenham. Hopefully, with life returning to normal, we will be rescheduling the dinner in 2022.
There are some interesting articles in this edition. It is good
to see that many of our troops
have been able to undergo some adventurous training activities
in spite of all the COVID-19 restrictions. The article from our team in Cyprus written by LCpl Jenny Mudd talks about caring for the 37 Military Working Dogs and variety of other animals in extreme heat on the island, as well as making
My highlights over the last year have been the great opportunity to start travelling and to meet up with the troops once again
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