Page 60 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
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                                  Melton Mowbray was retained but Arborfield Remount Depot was closed in 1937, although draught horses were on the Garrison establishment until 1966.7 In 1938 the site was reopened as Arborfield Garrison home to the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and,1939, the Army Technical School. During 1939-1945 the remainder of the garrison site was used by the Royal Artillery. The Royal Electrical and Mechanical [REME] moved to the site post war. With the closure of the Army Apprentices College in 1939 all REME apprentice training was concentrated at Arborfield. The British Army School of Electronic Engineering, responsible for the training of aircraft and avionic technicians, moved to Arborfield
in 1995.8 In July 2011 the Defence Secretary, announced that RAF Lyneham would be the new site for the Defence Technical Training Change Programme and REME, coinciding with the closure of Arborfield Garrison in 2015. REME departed Arborfield in 2016.
Arborfield Green Development
In 2013 Crest Nicholson was appointed as Development Manager for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (the estates arm of
the Ministry of Defence), to lead
‘Icarus’ being lowered into position.
and advise on the planning of the Arborfield Green site. In April 2015 Wokingham Borough Council, as one of its Strategic Development Locations within their adopted Core Strategy, allocated the site and areas of surrounding farmland for development, to be known
as Arborfield Green. Outline permission for a 3,500 new housing development was granted: about 2,000 on the northern part of the site, as a new ‘sustainable’ garden village’ by Crest Nicholson, and 1,500 on the southern site. Planning permission was given to demolish many of the garrison buildings, those that survive include, St Eligius the garrison church, the gym to become a sports/community centre and a scheduled infirmary stable block 9
The Arborfield Green ‘Horse Sculpture’
To mark the sites connection with military horses Crest Nicholson commissioned the renowned Hampshire based sculptor and portrait artist Amy Goodman to create an equine sculpture for the entrance to the housing estate. Amy has gained a reputation as a highly accomplished equestrian and figurative sculptor notably her excellent military sculptures that
include: the ‘The Slayer of Belleros - ‘Pegasus and Bellerophon’, for the 16th Air Assault Brigade’s HQ in Colchester; the ‘Aldershot Airborne Soldier’; the Gurkha Memorial Project, depicting the first Gurkha V.C recipient in 1915, Kulbir Thapa; a life size bronze bust of Florence Nightingale; ‘Treo’ 63DM the military sniffer dog, canine partner of Sergeant Dave Heyhoe. Chiron Calling readers might remember Amy’s World War One ‘Romsey War Horse & Trooper’, unveiled by HRH Princess Anne
in Romsey’s War Memorial Park.10 The Arborfield sculpture, unveiled 2021, is a trio of horses, representing
the past (‘Icarus’ the warhorse), present (sporting horse) and future (yearling foal), whilst paying homage to the horses that served
in 1914-1919 War. Amy’s desire for historical accuracy can be seen in the rearing light draught war horse, ‘Icarus’, with a hogged mane, short tail, and War Department brand on the rear quarters. The hooves, which would have been branded with
the horse’s service number have been inscribed with the date 1918 as a reminder of Icarus’s military service.11
I am grateful to: Tanya Heath, Senior Estate Surveyor (2015)
for information on the Arborfield Records at Swindon (English Heritage Archive), MD95/00325-330 Infirmary Stables. Amy Goodman, Crest Nicholson for the invitation to attend the unveiling ceremony at Arborfield.
  Amy Goodman next to ‘Icarus’
 7 Hume, R, ‘Arborfield and the Army Remount Service 1918-1937’, Journal of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 1984, pp.14,18. Melton Mowbray retains a remount function as part of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Defense Animal Centre.
8 Arborfield Local History Society – The Home Front World War One.
9 Wokingham ,Borough Council website, ‘Core Strategy Appendix 7 Arborfield Garrison; Arborfield Garrison Wokingham Borough Major Developments, 2022.
10 ‘Unveiling of the Romney Memorial’. Chiron Calling, p.20, Autumn 2015.
11 Personal communication with Amy Goodman.
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