Page 50 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2023
P. 50

Branch AGM –
March 2023
Our Scottish Branch Annual General Meeting was held on Sat 14th March and was a sombre occasion as it was only three days since we had attended Ian Stock’s funeral. The AGM was therefore opened and chaired by our Vice Chair Frank Taylor, starting off with a minute’s applause being given for Ian Stocks, followed by a minute’s silence given
for Sammy Houston who we sadly lost earlier the same month.
The process to vote in a new Chair proceeded and I can report that Frank Taylor has now stepped up from his role
of Vice Chair to take on this role. Thanks Frank. This made the position of Vice
Chair available, and I can advise that Neil Muirhead has now taken on the role of Vice Chair. Thanks Neil.
As was previously reported, Liz Loudon had been previously co-opted as Treasurer and so was formally voted in at this AGM.
During the meeting, we formally created two new posts in an effort to spread
the workload, namely Website News & Events Editor and Minute Secretary. I’m delighted to report that John (Hoss) Martin volunteered to take on the role of Website News & Events Editor and John has since been trained to use the system. This means that anyone wishing news and events to be posted on the website and/or updated, to please contact John who will be happy to help.
During the meeting, no one took on the role of Minute Secretary, but I’m happy to report that Jean Thomson has subsequently volunteered. Thanks Jean. By the time you read this report, we should have co-opted Jean on at our May Committee meeting.
As you know, the Scottish Branch Committee is a large group, which we were delighted to add to this year with Norman McBean joining the team, Thanks Norman.
Although the Dundee Food & Flower Festival has not been held since Covid times, the Scottish branch still has two reps
Committee attendees
available to attend the Dundee meetings. Les Craib had previously advised that he would be standing down as a Dundee Rep. this year and we would like to thank Les for the time he has spent in this role. David Nelson had confirmed he would continue as a Dundee Rep and he has now been joined by Bill Duff, who volunteered during the meeting. Thanks Bill.
All other roles remained the same and whilst Frank Taylor remains as our second Trustee Rep, he reiterated the desire for someone else to take on this role which would again, help spread the workload going forward.
The Treasurer’s report highlighted that the Branch is in a good financial position and our D.A.’s were thanked for their prompt submissions of their accounts along with Fred Stewart for his efficient
Alistair Gray
Frank Taylor
Neil Muirhead
Elizabeth Loudon
Fiona Shenfield
Jean Thomson volunteered post meeting
Fred Stewart
Ian McPhee
Neil Muirhead
Gareth Cameron
Fiona Shenfield
Bill Duff
Ian Simpson
Frank Taylor (temporary)
 dealing of the Membership processes.
It was highlighted however, that due to
lack of fundraising events (due to Covid restrictions – i.e., no leek & plant sales and no annual Seminar), there was a deficit
of £850.89. Outlays included the Branch Championships.
Fundraising should return to normal in 2022 with the anticipated leek and plant sales at Scone Palace in June and the long- awaited Seminar in November this year.
In closing, I would like to thank all of
our committee members for their support and especially our volunteers who have stepped up to take on a new role. Your help is most appreciated.
Fiona Shenfield
Scottish Branch Secretary
    Scottish Branch President
Jim Williams
  Honorary Vice President
  Vice Chairman
  Branch Secretary
  Minute Secretary
  Membership Secretary
  Show Manager
  Show Secretary
  Sponsorship Officer
  SV Sub Editor
  John (Hoss) Martin
  Ian Archibald, George Bartling, Les Craib, George Cumming, John Currie, Bill Duff, Doug Gerrard, Mary Gray, George Harrison, William Loudon, Jim Mercer, Melvin Miller, John Martin, Norman McBean, David Nelson, Arthur Provan, Jimmy Raeburn, Ian Simpson, George Scott, Linda Stocks, Jean Thomson, Jim Veitch, Alan Yates.
 David Nelson
 Website & Events Officer
    Committee Members (in addition to those listed as officers)
 Dundee Flower Show Rep
 Dundee Flower Show Rep
  Trustee Rep
 (Left to right) Liz Loudon, Neil Muirhead, Frank Taylor & Fiona Shenfield
  Trustee Rep
  50 Simply Vegetables

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