Page 51 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2023
P. 51

                                Northern Branch
MEMBERS 20000 TO 29999
Chairman’s report
  I am writing this report in late April as the days are lengthening and the trees and hedges are beginning to show colour. We have not had any snow this year but a few sharp frosts have caught out a few gardeners who were eager to plant out early. We used to say that it was never safe to plant out soft plants until June had arrived. Even then I remember getting plants destroyed by frost in June, especially Dahlias.
Looking on the internet sites I notice that a lot of very keen exhibitors have managed to grow large leeks and onions for the shows along with many other vegetables and flowers. Hopefully, they will be well rewarded for their efforts. I should be seeing quite a few of the exhibits around the shows when I attend the venues to Judge.
I have not grown much produce for myself this year as I am quite busy at
work throughout the week and also some weekends. I am also planning on doing some work in the garden replacing fences and putting things in order for future years.
The National Vegetable Society is looking at the National Show and will be holding a survey to find out what exhibitors
want in the future. It has been suggested that the number of exhibits in some of the classes may be reduced to make it easier for more people to exhibit. My thoughts are not in favour of a reduction in numbers as I feel that this will reduce the National Show to a branch level one. We will lose the prestige of achieving a National Award that the top exhibitors of the past achieved. It has been said that quantity does not mean quality but to win at the highest level with both quantity and quality is a far greater achievement than winning with half the quantity. We will still get the top exhibitors winning the classes and possibly these same exhibitors winning more classes
in the same show as they will be able to grow more types of exhibits with fewer number required, also it will allow them to transport more classes of vegetables to the show in their vehicles. I also feel that the standard of exhibits will not be any higher for having fewer specimens per stand.
The number of exhibitors at shows has been on the decline for a few years now and even big prize money is not bringing new growers to the venues. To grow to the highest standards requires total dedication and commitment along with the right
environment to grow in. Greenhouses with heating and lighting plus protection covers to give ideal growing conditions throughout the season. These make all the difference to achieving excellent produce that are as near perfection as possible.
The Northern Branch will be attending various events throughout the season putting on displays and shows. Many of our members are lecturers and attend garden groups offering advice and knowledge to anyone who attends.
All the details of each of our district associations are on the NVS website. we will also have details of events that we are holding or attending so please look up your local area to see what is happening.
The main event this year will be the National Championships which will be held at the Harrogate Autumn flower show at Newby Hall near Ripon. This will be a three-day event from the 15th -17th September
Looking forward to seeing many of you around the shows
Adrian Read FNVS Chairman Northern branch
 North East Derbyshire District Association
 Unfortunately, this year for the first time in the history of NEDDA we’ve decided not to meet every month. This due to a fall in members attending our meetings, the increased travel / fuel costs not only for members but also the guest speakers who travel in excess of 150 / 200-mile round trips to our meeting venue. That said at our March and April meetings
the attendance of members slightly increased.
Plans for our annual D.A. Show on Sunday 3rd September are well underway and nearing completion. If anyone wants further information or a show schedule, contact details for NEDDA members can be found in the NVS Directory.
With plants being grown and donated by D.A. members, our annual plant sale that’s almost entirely facilitated by John Croot and John Goodall is going very well. The proceeds help with funds for the D.A. in ensuring it can function financially.
numerous world records, Peter Glazebrook has kindly invited us into his mystical world of Giant Vegetable growing at his home in Nottinghamshire. Peter needs no introduction to the gardening fraternity, but for members new to the NVS / Vegetable Showing Peter is pictured with his ‘World Record Heavy Onion’ at the Harrogate Autumn Show a few years ago.
Our monthly meetings continue to be held on the third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise stated at Pleasley Miners Welfare NG19 7PD.
• June; No Meeting
• 19th July; Visit to Peter Glazebrook’s
• August; No Meeting
• 3rd September; D.A. Show. No
Monthly Meeting
• 18th October; TBC
• 15th November; Adrian Baggaley –
The Orchard Year
• December; No Meeting
Wednesday 19th July: the holder of
Mick Shipley
Simply Vegetables 51

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