Page 114 - The Chapka 2017
P. 114
Maysaan 10th Anniversary Dinner – ‘M10’
2017 saw the 10th anniversary of the Regiment’s deployment to Iraq on Operation TELIC 9, where we operated in May- saan Province. The Queen’s Royal Lancer Battlegroup or Over- watch Battlegroup North (OBG(N)), as it was known within 19th Brigade, was the only battlegroup to operate independently from the Brigade and to do so at considerable range. The tour was noteworthy in many regards. First and foremost, it was conducted in role, a relatively uncommon occurrence for Royal Armoured Corps regiments throughout the duration of the Iraq campaign. Secondly, and perhaps more interestingly, our mis- sion saw us focussed on the Iraq/Iran border with much of our resupply being delivered via air drop. We were truly operating at reach.
Our deployment ended in May 2007, so it was decided to hold an anniversary dinner over the same weekend as the Cavalry Memorial Parade, so that those attending could be present at both events and meet up with as many friends as possible. The linking of the dinner and the Cavalry Memorial weekend was also particularly fitting as we remembered those members of the battlegroup that lost their lives during the deployment: Sergeant Wayne ‘Mave’ Rees, Corporal Ben ‘Bill’ Leaning and Trooper Kristen ‘Turts’ Turton.
With three former Queen’s Royal Lancers now serving as Yeo- man Warders at the Tower of London (Steve McMenamy, Jimmy James and Jase Woodcock) the choice of venue for this inaugural dinner was a simple one! The additional benefit was being able to witness the Ceremony of the Keys and enjoy the hospitality of the Yeoman Warders’ club at the end of the evening.
So, to the evening itself. The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Mess was filled to capacity, with some eighty sitting down to dinner. The food was excellent and the wine flowed freely as we were extremely well looked after by the in-house catering team. Some speeches were made and important words said, but the most poignant moment was when ‘our’ Padre, Father Paschal Hanra- han, delivered the grace; there was barely a dry eye in the house. I have copied it (see right) as I know many have asked for it:
The hope is that we will gather again in the not too distant fu- ture. Operation TELIC 9 is too important a tour not to mark as the years go by. Who knows, maybe ‘M15’ in 2022 will see the next reunion but the level of interest in ‘M10’ means that the aim will be to try and find somewhere that enables us to increase
the numbers of those attending. A final thank-you to Ginney for all her diligent organising, the Lancer Team at the Tower, who did us proud and to Syd Gould who, now working at Thales, secured a very generous sponsorship contribution – thank you Syd and thank you Thales.
A Grace on the Occasion of the Maysaan 10th Anniversary Dinner Night at the Tower of London – Fri 12th May 2017 Oremus
Dear Lord and father we ask you to Bless Brigadier Nixon-Eckersall, Ginney, assembled guests in this splendid mess
To be honest I am a tad nervous this night Catholic priest’s survival rates are not great at this site!
It is 10 years since the conclusion
of our Maysaan Mission
An epic tour, exemplifying all that is
good in our noble profession
Surveillance in Kara, Fakka, Charlotte and Border Forts An incident with a Herc left some out of sorts!
Air drops and resupply fresh food and water did bring To support Operation CHARGE, Operation CINNAMON and my visits to Mr Singh
Bless this food and please God let there be no croquets Always a portent in the cookhouse of incoming rockets!
And just before we say Amen
we pause and remember three great men Ben (Bill) Kris (Turts) & Mave
in the cause of peace their lives they gave!
So, for the Operational Tour that for
a time brought us all together
And the friendships forged that will last forever Benedic Domine
Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense