Page 115 - The Chapka 2017
P. 115

 Ypres Remembrance, 17/21L Group
Instead of attending local events for remembrance, as has be- come usual of recent years, a small group of ex-17/21L made the trip to Ypres, a place synonymous with the Great War. We arrived on Friday 10th November at various times from vari- ous locations. The aim for most was threefold. Firstly, to attend the commemorations in the town square at 11am on the 11th, secondly to attend the Great War Remembered Concert in St George’s Cathedral that evening. And, lastly, the highlight of our trip was to lay a wreath on Remembrance Sunday at the 20.00 Last Post ceremony in commemoration of all Lancers who have given their lives and have no known grave.
The antecedent regiments have the following numbers of men remembered on the Menin Gate: 5L - 24, 9L - 53, 12L - 23, 16L - 50, 17L - 37 and, finally, 21L - 3. We had the honour that night
‘On parade...’
to lay the first wreath and I was also singled out to say the exhor- tation. Over the weekend small groups managed to visit places of special interest; the grave of Captain Noel Chavasse VC and bar and MC, Talbot House in Poperinghe and laying remembrance crosses on the graves of seven unknown 17L in the Ypres area, to name a few. Through our research we have identified the name of the occupants in one of the graves. We have also identified the names of the others, but currently we are not able to tie them to a particular grave. Two members of our group are in the process of sending evidence to the Commonwealth War Graves Commis- sion so that the headstones may be amended. It goes without saying that several of the town’s hostelries benefited from this Lancer weekend.
RLOCA and Branches
‘ parade!’
    Date Event   Organiser
3rd Mar 18 Northern Branch Dinner at Willerby Alf Smith
24th Mar 18 Derby Reunion Gary Arnold
24th Mar 18 9/12L Museum Day – Derby HHQ RL
7th Apr 18 Wessex Reunion– Sundeck Suite, Weymouth Pavilion Liz Draper
14th Apr 18 North West Branch Dinner at Blackpool Clive Bergstrand
5th May 18 Lancers in London– Porterhouse, WC2E 7NA Craig McIntyre
13th May 18 Cavalry Memorial Parade – Hyde Park London HHQ RL
26th May 18 East Midlands Branch (Fondouk Troop) Buffet Staff of Life Pub, Sutton in Ashfield Malc Scothern
5th Jun 18 Chelsea Hospital Founder’s Day Rehearsal HHQ RL
23rd – 25th Aug OCA Battlefield Tour Mons HHQ RL
9th Sep 18 Canterbury Cathedral Memorial Service and Reunion Lunch HHQ RL
6th Nov 18 RL OCA parade at NMA and buffet at TRBL Alrewas HHQ RL
8th Nov 18 Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey and lunch at Civil Service Club – Ticket only event HHQ RL
10th Nov 18 Lancers in London – Porterhouse, WC2E 7NA Craig McIntyre
11th Nov 18 RL OCA March at the Cenotaph – London – Ticket only event HHQ RL
17th Nov 18 South East Branch (Canterbury Troop) Dinner at Gillingham (Kent) Dick Boorman
6th Dec 18 Officers’ Annual Dinner HHQ RL
7 Dec 18 OCA Christmas Lunch – Civil Service Club – London Craig McIntyre
25/26th Jan 19 Aliwal Dinner Steve Hopkinson
26th Jan 19 East Midlands Branch (Fondouk Troop) – Balaclava Dinner, Nottingham Gary Bagnall
8/9th Jun 19 Regimental Weekend – Catterick HHQ RL

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