Page 117 - The Chapka 2017
P. 117
The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own) Old Comrades’ Association
Writing on behalf of the committee and wider Veteran Lancer (VL) antecedent community under the umbrella of The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own) Old Comrades’ Association (RLOCA), I reflect with pride and give thanks to all those who have led and enabled the VL achievements in support of VL worldwide and wider RL goals over the last 12 months. In particular I am extremely grateful to Home Headquarters and the support provided by the VL Committee and branch chair- men for their work undertaken in support of the fulfilment of the Colonel of the Regiment, Brigadier Hughes’ CBE, desire for the development and enhancement of a unified approach be- tween the serving and Veteran Lancers and its affiliates.
Charged with delivering the VL effects of: ‘benevolence’, ‘re- membrance’ and ‘networking’ while supporting the Royal Lanc- er Home Headquarters and the work of the serving Regiment, I am delighted to report that the VL concept, strategy and struc- ture for delivery of these ‘effects’ is now fully in place. Indeed, since writing in the 2017 magazine, the VLs have now been al- located the resources for self-management by the Royal Lancer Charitable Trust, and for this I am extremely grateful to the board of trustees who has chosen to support our concept of support to VL. This funding will be managed day-to-day by our new VL Committee Member, VL Fund Account Manager, Captain (Retd) Adam Westwood. The funds will be used to support VL manage- ment, communication and the acquisition of new branch banners providing demonstrable antecedent ‘placement’ to branches un- der the umbrella of the Royal Lancers’ wider Regiment.
Each year as a part of VL ‘battle-rhythm’, it is my desire to hold a leadership conference (this year it was in London on 8th De- cember 2017, in the Civil Service Club, kindly arranged with a follow-on Christmas Lunch by Craig McIntyre who Chairs the Lancers in London Branch) at which branch chairmen are able to come together to represent their membership and look for collective enhancement of ever improving unified approach to VL cooperation and the achievement of wider Regimental goals. The outcomes of the leadership conference will be discussed and fund allocated at the VL Committee meeting each March in HM the Tower of London, kindly arranged by Yeoman Warder and RL Standard Bearer, Steve McMenamy.
So much has been achieved this year from Branch dinners through to acts of ‘remembrance’, be it in placing memorials to Victoria Cross winner (5L Private Billy Clare VC at Chatteris, Cambridgeshire on 28th November 2017), through to funerals or providing support to those in need of ‘benevolence’.
As chairman I believe I have three clear priorities which I will work with the Royal Lancers Home Headquarters, the VL Com- mittee and the VL branch chairmen to deliver and protect:
• Ensure support delivery of VL ‘benevolence’, ‘remem- brance’ and ‘networking’; through the RL HHQ, the VL Committee and the branch chairmen;
• Protecting and enhancing antecedent Regimental tradi- tions and heritage;
• And develop and provide unified VL support to the serv- ing regiment and our RL affiliates where appropriate, in order to support the Colonel of the Regiment achieve his wider aim of a unified Lancer Regiment. The Royal Lanc- ers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own).
RLOCA Committee Meeting 2018
I offer particular thanks to VL Committee Secretary and Vice Chairman for 16/5L and QRL, Major (Retd) Chris Knight for his outstanding work and support to me this year; without Chris’ support we would not have made the extra-ordinary progress that we have. In 2018, Vice Chairman for 17/21L and QRL, Captain (Retd) Rick (Dz) Dzierozynki will take the role of VL Committee Secretary and Vice Chairman for 9/12L, Lieu- tenant Colonel (Retd) John Pearce will chair the sub-committee on branch banners. I am extremely grateful to our Royal Lanc- ers Home headquarters Liaison Officer, Major (Retd) Watson for his tireless support to the work of the VL worldwide. I have said to our Royal Lancer Regimental Secretary, Major Pocock that the VL Committee will do all it can to support his office in the delivery of wider regimental goals. I am extremely grateful to the work of our VL Branch Chairmen who do so much on a daily basis for their VL membership offering outstanding lead- ership throughout the year. I offer sincere thanks to Mr Dick Boorman who is not only the South East Branch Chairman but also our liaison with the Combined Cavalry Old Comrades As- socation (CCOCA) ensuring the May Cavalry Memorial Parade is enabled through planning and action. To Captain (Retd) Mick Holtby, our heritage liaison, I offer sincere thanks for his sup- port to the VL Committee and Branches in the form of historical advice and artefact loan to branches in support of their annual dinners. I thank the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Searby OBE for sending serving personnel to branch dinners and for appointing Captain Joe Cassidy who has taken over from Captain Steve Mansfield (serving regiment) for provision of vital liaison between the VL community and the serving regiment. Lastly, I would like to offer heartfelt thanks to our three vice chairmen and regional heads for their tireless work in support of their regional branch chairmen; for their support to me in pro- tecting and enhancing antecedent regimental traditions across our VL community.
Now with the concept, strategy, and supporting VL structures in place I can say that in 2018 we will be looking to make our VL management machinery further enable and up-lift the lives of VL across the globe – each will be treated in exactly the same way; member of the RLOCA or no. I will be asking the VL Committee to take forward the points raised by branch chair- men in the December 2017 Leadership Conference. I will also be looking at ways that we can ensure dependents are best able to be represented within the VL community.