Page 118 - The Chapka 2017
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 The Band Branch of the 17th/21st Lancers
Iam glad to report that we have had the long- est period free from deaths since we started, that has to be a positive note (pun intended). Last year saw the launch of the silver 17/21L Regimental Band pin, which sold out twice! A third casting will start next month. If anyone who does not subscribe to the band Facebook page would like one, you can contact me via the number listed on the branches page of the Regimental website or that of Home Head- quarter’s. Our membership has increased due to various ‘lost’ overseas veterans. The likes of Mr Tony Wood, a past member of the band in the 60s and having been wearing corks around his hat for the last 40 years, has now joined us. Our membership is now over 100, with our oldest member being in his late 80s.
21L chapka and sabertache
and we will be in the Oceana suite on the 4th August starting at 2000. The dress is smart casual. There will be our usual large regalia display, for which we would encourage you all to bring along any old photos for the wall; al- ways a good source of amusement.
We did manage to add some new pieces of kit to the collection in the form of another band music banner from 1958 and a silvered fanfare trumpet in its own box! We only had brass trumpets in my time, however, it is nice to have. It has been suggested that we have a Junior Leaders Regiment (JLR) display. So, a collection of drums from the 60s and 70s will be on parade, along with the various types of music banners from the JLR and the Army
 This year our big reunion is to be held back
in sunny Bournemouth, nothing to do with me I hasten to add. The occasion will be graced by no less than two previous Band- masters from the 70s and 80s vintages. The venue is the 4-star Cumberland Hotel on the cliff top which we have used before
Junior School of Music. Please contact me if you and your wives or dependents would like to come along;
seats are always booked well in advance.
   Balaklava Dinner 2017 Picnic in the Park 2017
The 17th/21st Lancers (Death or Glory Boys) Veterans’ Facebook Group
The group has been busy as ever during 2017, both on the social as well as the remembrance front. The year began in June with summer drinks at Yate`s Wine Lodge in Not- tingham, organised by Mr Dave ‘Gus’ Sercy and was well at- tended by over 60 Old Comrades and their partners.
This was followed in July by our annual picnic in the park in the grounds of Thoresby Hall, courtesy of Captain Mick Holtby. Over 70 Old Comrades and their families attended. The annual get-together in Dorset at the beginning of Au- gust consisted of a sit-down lunch organised by Taff and Ha- zel Burton in the Ship Inn at Wool and 30 members and their partners had a very enjoyable lunch.
In October it was the Balaklava weekend at the Urban Hotel in Grantham which is held over the weekend closest to the 25th October. A relaxing weekend was had by 140 old com- rades and their partners, culminating in a Cyprus themed buffet night. The Colonel of the Regiment, Brigadier An-
drew Hughes CBE and the Chairman of the Royal Lancers Old Comrades’ Association, Colonel William English CBE attended in their capacity as former 17th/21st Lancers.
The final get-together of 2017 was organised yet again by Mr ‘Gus’ Sercy and was Christmas drinks held again in Notting- ham at Yate`s Wine Lodge, again over 60 attended and it was a great success. Mr Don Poole again organised the four ‘Old Gits’ meetings in the year. This was attended by 20 members in Nottingham.
Remembrance this year was attended by members of the group in three different locations; London, Ypres and Kan- chanaburI Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery in Thai- land. 35 members of the group gathered in London for the Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph, which is covered elsewhere.

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