Page 120 - The Chapka 2017
P. 120

   The Late Jack Hodgson Pete Finch making a presentation to Malc Scothern
East Midlands Branch (Fondouk Troop)
This is my second year as Chairman of East Midlands Branch (Fondouk Troop). The start of 2017 began with our annual re- union dinner which I mentioned in last year’s notes. February came and we were saddened to learn of the sudden death of our long-term Committee Member Mr John (Jack) Hodgson. Jack was a gentleman and much loved by all who knew him. His funeral took place at Warsop Parish Church and it was stand- ing room only, testimony to Jack’s popularity. At the beginning of March, Harry Rack and myself (and my wife) attended the Northern Branch Annual Reunion Dinner held at the Mercure Hotel in Willerby (near Hull). Thanks goes to Mr Alf Smith and his Committee for a grand weekend. It must be noted that Harry and myself ended up with five raffle prizes between us!
An Old Gits meeting was held at the Fellowes, Moreton and Clayton pub in Nottingham in March. Thanks to Mr Don Poole for organising this. My wife (Enid) and I along with Mr Harry Rack and Mr Malc and Betty Scothern attended the North- West Branch (Balaklava Troop) dinner in the middle of April at Blackpool. A very enjoyable weekend it was, and we have all booked again for next year. Thanks to Mr Clive Bergstrand and his committee for such an excellent weekend.
We held our AGM on 19th April. Our president, General Sir James Everard KCB CBE, agreed to continue in the post for a further year. Mr Malc Scothern decided to stand down as treas- urer. Mr Paul ‘Bo’ Boden was elected as the new treasurer. Mr David ‘Charlie’ Pearce was elected as the assistant secretary and all the other officials agreed to remain in post.
Our annual reunion buffet, arranged by Mr Malc Scothern, was held on 27th May at the Staff of Life pub in Sutton in Ashfield. Around 40 guests enjoyed the buffet and the usual raffle was held. A good night, although numbers were slightly down on previous years. At the beginning of June, Mr Malc Scothern, as usual, arranged a get together, for lunch, at the Red Lion in Mumby (Lincolnshire). There were 12 attendees and a good afternoon was had by all. The committee had its annual din- ner at the end of June at the Kingsway Restaurant in Kirkby in Ashfield. 10 members attended. A special thank you goes to a member of the Branch (who wishes to remain anonymous) for their very kind and generous donation.
The Branch manned a stall at the Armed Forces Day celebra- tions held by Ashfield District Council on 24th June in Kirkby in Ashfield. Thanks to Mr Malc Scothern, Mr Bo Boden, Mr Ivor Thomas and Mr Harry Rack for manning the stall. Another Old Gits meeting was held at the Fellowes, Moreton and Clayton pub in Nottingham on 2nd October. Thanks again to Mr Don Poole for organising this with 18 attending including Mr Dougy Woodbridge travelling from Luton.
The Branch was very well represented at the Remembrance Day Parade at Forest Town (Near Mansfield), with Mr Mark Wells carrying the branch standard and Mr Malc Scothern laying the wreath on behalf of the branch. The service was held at St Al- bans Church and led by Reverend Phillip Stead. In November, Mr Malc and Betty Scothern, Mr Harry Rack and I attended the South-East Branch (Canterbury Troop) Annual Reunion dinner at the Grange Moor Hotel in Maidstone. Thanks to Mr Dick Boorman and his committee for a splendid weekend.
In January 2018 we saw 117 sit down to Dinner at the Double Tree by Hilton Nottingham – Gateway Hotel for our annual re- union dinner. We were entertained throughout the evening by a quartet from the Nottinghamshire Band of 73 Royal Engineers TA (Volunteers) led by Sergeant Helen Lambert. After the din- ner, I opened the proceedings by reading a letter received from our colonel-in-chief, Her Majesty, The Queen, sending her best wishes to all those who were dining at the Gateway Hotel. I then gave the loyal toast with the national anthem being played. Mr Peter Finch made a special presentation to Mr Malc Scoth- ern who had stepped down after almost 20 years of editing the branch information booklet. Malc was presented with a gold fob watch. I then introduced our president, General Sir James Everard who spoke on behalf of the branch and gave a toast to The Regiment. General James then introduced the regimental adjutant, Captain Tom Pritchard, who updated the guests on the activities of the Regiment throughout the past year. He then gave a toast to the old comrades. There were eight serving mem- bers of the Regiment attending. The raffle followed. I must say that I received many comments saying how good the evening had been. I now start preparing for 2019!
 The gathering

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