Page 122 - The Chapka 2017
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 Iam pleased to say that the Southern Branch is still up and running. We have held four “Lancer Saturday” events this year (January, July, September and November). These events were held in the Bournemouth and Poole area and have attracted Veteran Lancers from all the antecedent regiments. Many serv- ing members have also attended. The most memorable event was held in the summer in Poole, which over 20 members at- tended. Mr Frank Devine’s photograph still graces the RLOCA Facebook page. As I mentioned in my notes to the Regimental Secretary, this event was the perfect mix of old and new friends bonded by a common service. Major Chris Hatton and I were in the same in-take in Catterick and there are many more opera- tional and Royal Armoured Corps connections to be made.
The branch intends to continue with this function format as it appeals to much more of the ex-Lancer community in this area. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Phil Wilson, the long-standing branch treasurer as he steps down this year. The branch would also like to wish him and Marianne good luck as they relocate to Thailand. Finally, Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Ron Brown has moved closer to his family in the West Country which is sad for his old friend Mr Bob Kent, who celebrated his 90th birthday last year.
The Branch will continue to attempt to bring as many of RLO-
CA community together as we can in the New Year.
IP and II
Southern Branch
 Southern Lancers together
 Another busy year from the boys from Staffordshire with several members starting the year by going to the Aliwal dinner in Walsall where a great night, and for some, a weekend was had. All through the year some of the old boys and their wives have been archiving all the 16/5L documents and pho- tos. A visit was arranged to look at the documents for early May and about 20 people from various parts of the country attended. It was a great insight into what our forefathers got up to at work and at play.
In the middle of the year, Mr Roy ‘Ginge’ Tinsley tried over several weeks to complete a tandem skydive all in aid of char- ity. Eventually, after many knock backs mainly due to poor weather, he completed his jump and raised over £1,000 for Douglas MacMillan. The summer months saw numbers down for our meetings, but several members managed to attend the veteran’s Northern Ireland parade at the National Memorial Arboretum in September.
We held our branch dinner at the end of October and I think everyone had a great night, especially those that became part of the impromptu band (see our Facebook page for the video). As always, a big thank you to Mr Bud Flanagan and Mr Bill Hubbard for a great night. Not long after the dinner it was into Remembrance Sunday and, again, the Stoke Branch were well represented at the Cenotaph parade in London. The Branch also paraded in Burslem on the Friday for the school’s
Remembrance parade and in Fenton on the Sunday for the veteran’s parade. Both had good turnouts.
At the end of November, Don and Roy attended the George Claire Victoria Cross award memorial. Having seen the video, I think an award should go to those that had to listen to Roy singing the night before.
In the final month of the year we held our final meeting and invited the lady-Lancers to come along. After a short meeting and toasts, we dived into the buffet that the women had kindly organised and laid out for us. Overall, the boys and ladies from Stoke had a good day and here’s to the next one. We hope to see some of you at our meetings, or our dinner in 2018.
Stoke Branch (Aliwal Troop)
 Stoke Branch Ramblers meet up fortnightly all through the year

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