Page 123 - The Chapka 2017
P. 123
Due to the vast distances travelled by attendees of the Aliwal Dinner, it was, again, a two day event. On this occasion, Vet- erans travelled from as far away as Wisconsin in United States, Austria, Germany, Spain and the extremities of the United King- dom and Ireland. A traditional casual curry night was held on Friday 26th January and was attended by around 90 veterans and their partners. A hearty beef madras and chicken korma with all the trimmings was enjoyed by all diners. The atmosphere was electric with lots laughter and reminiscing, banter; micky taking was the order of the day. If you have those essential ingredients, namely a plethora of Regimental characters, you can not fail to enjoy yourself. Simon Pim Hogben is always on hand with his camera to ensure the event is saved for prosperity in the Lancer Dropbox funded, in part, by the Aliwal Dinner. We have built up a healthy reputation with Holiday Inn over last four years. Staff actually volunteer to work the weekend, a testament to our veterans and partners. The bar was well stocked and our reputa- tion remained intact, as did the till receipts.
Those who attend the breakfast tend to be quite fragile so some decided to go to the National Memorial Arboretum (a must see visit). Mr Dudley Living, chairman, and his small team set up main restaurant for 190 attendees, 17 tables identified by 16/5L battle honours, programmes and menus, along with Scarlet Lancers kindly provided by Major Howard Crosse. Our gener- ous attendees produced a vast amount of raffle prizes, grouped together to produce a maximum of 12. The seating plan was a nightmare due to dreaded flu virus and some last minute family engagements and work commitments. The Chairman received a welcoming mid afternoon call from Colonel William English CBE wishing all attendees an excellent evening.
A photograph slide show proceeded the dinner. We were pleased to be joined again by Brigadier Richard and Ginney Nixon-Eck- ersall, Colonels Charles Radford MC and Nick Wills OBE after a twelve month absence, together with six or so other Lancers and wives who we had not seen for at least thirty years. After a 10 minute dinner call we entered the restaurant to the music “Roast Beef ” on a 30 second loop. Have you ever tried control- ling 190 ex-Lancers and guests, many trying to replenish their drinks, with Chairman waiting to begin his introduction? It’s like herding cats.
The chairman welcomed all attendees and took them all on a trip of the distances travelled by the veterans. Apologies were received from Major General Alistair Dennis CB OBE and his wife Caroline, Brigadier Ian Gibb, and Major Ron Thomas and BSM Alan Kidgell. The Chairman welcomed back some new, old faces, Major Andrew Phillips, Captain John Chatfeild –Rob-
erts, Steve McGowan, Gaz Hicks and Mick Quinn along with Mrs Jo Brazier and Mrs Slyvia Saunders. Entertainment for night was provided by Steve Marks, son of Paul “Spud” Yeomans who would sing before the “Absent Friends Toast”, alogn with a set after dinner.
The proceedings began with Captain David Ireland and the “Ali- wal Grace.” During the dinner one could hear the increase in volume in the room, lamps swinging and sandbags in place. A combination of excellent table service and a lovely meal ensured total satisfaction. We were joined in the bar by a further thirty something Lancers from Walsall Branch and surrounding areas. A toast to the Regiment was announced by Brigadier Richard and the “Loyal Toast” by Mr Tom Foley. Mr Steve Marks sang a Josh Groban song before our toast to “Absent Friends” by Chair- man Captain Steve Hopkinson. The Chairman then thanked the hotel, his support team including raffle girls, Sherrol Ward and Kim Connelly. A special thank you went out to Colonel Charles Radford MC for his support at various events, but pre- dominetly for ensuring the Regiment’s history will be preserved in the archive in Hanley. The Chairman presented him with a set of 16L cuff links and briefed everybody on the Scarlet Lanc- ers Benevolent Fund, its objective and a couple of case histories. The Chairman auctioned an original watercolour presented by Colonel Nick Wills OBE, which raised £90 and then thanked everybody for supporting the weekend and making it so special. Mr Ken Frith then headed up raffle, calling up the 12 lucky win- ners. We retired to the bar to be entertained by Mr Steve Marks for two hours. Drinking went on until the early hours, in fine Lancer fashion. Breakfast was again a sombre affair with eve- rybody reflecting on the previous excellent night and journey ahead. Farewells exchanged, Lancers departed to all parts of the Kingdom,
The Chairman received a multitude of thanks on Facebook, letter and email, however one message stood out from Darren Siddaway: “I am trying to put things in perspective about the weekend just gone and have decided that it was probably one of the best weekends of my life.” The Chairman is encouraged that at least 40 attendees are in their late 30s to mid forties and from both 16/5L and QRL. We do need to see Royal Lancers in attendance in the future and the Chairman will endeavour the encourage more officers and ex-QRL to attend.
I feel a little like Noah - give them the detail and they will come. I am already receiving correspondence to book for next year’s Aliwal curry dinner which will be held over weekend 25th /26th January 2019.
The Aliwal Dinner 2018
A Squadron Wolfenbüttel with their new battle honour
Salamanca table