Page 36 - The Chapka 2017
P. 36

 2017 has been a year of churn in the Detachment. Postings, end of service and maternity leave have meant that we have finished the year as we began it; with a host of new faces eager to immerse themselves in the ethos and culture of the Detachment, and in the traditions of the Regiment. One of these, Corporal Davis, threw herself immediately into the fray by organising the Detachment’s team for Exercise WHITE LION, the Adjutant General’s Corps’ Skiing championships. Our success on the slopes was matched only by our abstention from engaging in a little après ski: it didn’t happen. It was, however, a great escape from the office for those who attended.
One of our summer arrivals, Corporal Dixon, was soon whisked away by the powers that be in the Army Women’s Football set- up. She ‘deployed’ to the Middle East for a Defence Engagement Tour which involved a two week holiday in the sun to Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The gruelling fort- night included multiple football matches, but importantly, it was the engagement activity with the local communities which was most rewarding...
The remainder of the Detachment either deployed on, or sup- ported Exercise NORTHERN LANCER. I will not go into the detail of the exercise from a Regimental perspective as it is comprehensively covered elsewhere, but there are some who de- serve a special mention. First, is Corporal Davis who, without complaint, unexpectedly and somewhat belatedly was moved into the ‘A1’ Echelon as the Ambulance driver where she could utilise her driving skills learned at trade prior to transferring to the Staff and Personnel Support branch. The second, is the new Detachment Commander, Second Lieutenant Woodward. Fresh faced and straight out of the ‘factory’ he was thrust into an unfamiliar world with only his Sandhurst discipline to guide him. He was instrumental in ensuring civilian vehicles did not hamper the path of some of the wider vehicles in the Regimental Headquarters convoy and displayed unflinching dedication to
his soldiers’ well-being during the chronic B Squadron dehydra- tion scare towards the end of the exercise. Joking aside, he was put in a challenging situation and coped well – a cynical lieuten- ant is no good to anyone!
Autumn brought with it the final additions to our new look De- tachment, and all the joy of the annual inspection regime. A small flurry of activity ensured that yet again, the Regiment passed with flying colours; a testament to the effort and profes- sional credibility of the team. I write this on my way to pas- tures new and all that is left is to offer my sincere thanks to all members of the Detachment, old and new, for their stoic efforts this year. They have faced a difficult period with humility and, thankfully, a sense of humour. I wish them, and the Regiment, all the best for 2018.
 Travelling home for Christmas
 The Royal Lancers AGC(SPS) Detachment

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