Page 38 - The Chapka 2017
P. 38

 By the time you read this article it will be clear that the Regi- ment has remained busy since the last instalment of The Chapka. As you would imagine, the support elements of the Regiment have been working behind the scenes to ‘provide’ for the fighting troops within the Sabre Squadrons. ‘Tech’ has been heavily utilised in this regard, but thankfully we have managed to keep our heads above water – for now.
During these last twelve months we have seen some major changes in department personalities due to promotion and also turnover of postings. The RQMS(T), Warrant Officer Class 2 Reeve has been selected for an appointment in Kabul as part of Operation TORAL. We wish him all the best of luck, congratu- late him on his selection for promotion and also thank him for all his efforts during the last two years in appointment. Warrant Officer Class 2 Pook now takes over the reigns and is already learning much about the job and making preparations for our looming UN tour in Cyprus. Staff Sergeant Darko (Royal Lo- gisitcs Corps) has left for Germany on promotion and has been replaced by Staff Sergeant Nunn as the Unit Application Admin- istrator (UAA). It is he and his small team that source the many and varied parts required by the Regiment, using the software tools available to them. This is a busy and complex task and not
without its pitfalls – making sure the right NATO stock num- ber is selected and reading backwards being just two. One slip of the 16 digit number and you end with a complete Scimitar when only a set of tracks or a road wheel was required. Corporal Dunigan (Royal Logis-
tics Corps) also left on promotion and moves to Scotland; we wish him all the best and thank him for his efforts during the past three years. He is replaced by Corporal Gooding (Royal Lo- gistics Corps) who has quickly settled into his role and is learn- ing much about working for a front line reconnaissance unit. The last change has been the addition of Private Jones. It is good to see a young and eager soldier being posted into the Regi- ment - he is already being mentored in the dark arts of ‘supply’.
The other members of ‘Tech’ remain the same. Staff Sergeant Cholerton being the ‘glue’ that keeps the team together. Due to his extensive experience, he is appointed as the Equipment Entitlement SNCO (EE SNCO) - a critical and highly impor- tant role. It is the EE SNCO that ensures that all our weapons, vehicles and equipment are correctly provisioned for. Sergeant Davies stays as the Troop Sergeant. He always seems to be at his happiest when driving a rough terrain forklift truck or other item of plant – ironically this is usually when I’m at my most ap- prehensive. In addition, Corporall Smith, as the JAMES NCO, works tirelessly to ensure this Management Information System is used correctly to confirm that vehicles and equipment are fit for task and, therefore, safe to use by the troops. Corporal Smith’s sanity is assured by his close friend Corporal Hill who sits nearby and manages the BOWMAN (radio) account. Both have been instrumental in the results of the various inspections we have received over the last year. At this point I must say thank you to all of the Department as without the experts and their hard-work we simply wouldn’t have been able to get such good results, or more importantly, have supported the Squad- rons so well in such a demanding year.
The latter part of 2017 seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Many different training serials came and went for individual Squad- rons and the Regiment alike, and ‘Tech’ deployed on all of them. One of the largest training events for us this year was Exercise NORTHERN LANCER. For this event the department had to bring together a large
‘Three down just another 110 to go!’ – vehicle hand overs to
crews ready for Exercise NORTHERN LANCER

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