Page 66 - The Chapka 2017
P. 66

  Sergeant Pennington en route to beocming the Army’s strongest man for the third year running
On a wet blustery October’s day in Catterick, The Royal Lancers hosted the prestigious Armed Forces strongman competition for the first time – October Onslaught ensued. The event catered for both novice and seasoned professionals alike, events such as the truck pull with a Land Rover for novices to the 6 tonne truck for intermediates. The event was open to both men and women, taking part in events including the log press of 40kg for beginners or up to 110kg for the strongest, with the aim to do as many reps as possible in 75 seconds. Deadlifts and squats were added to show the strength of the competitors. As if that was not enough pressure on their legs, they had to complete 40m on the super yoke carry in the fastest time with 300kg on their shoulders. The renowned Atlas stones made an appearance to test the resolve of the competitors. Stones from 50kg to 150kg were placed on a 1.5 metre platform and tested novice and expert alike.
Concurrently to the main event, The Royal Lancers also staged their own mini competition with all Squadron’s fielding teams for the inter-squadron strongman competition. The A Squadron ‘gladiators’ of Lance Corporals Imber, Peabody and Cavanagh scored the highest combined total score and were crowned
champions. Squadron Sergeant Major Hill was overall nov- ice winner, with Lance Corporal Imber and Captain Goldstone winning second and third respectively in the main event. Worth a mention was Trooper Bowman. He made the jump up from the novice category to the under 90kg category, battling with RAF and Navy seasoned competitors and put in a respectable showing.
Alongside organising the competition and carrying out his daily duties as C Squadron’s Anti-tank Troop Sergeant, Sergeant Pen- nington won the Army 100kg full power category for the third year running. He dominated the squat, bench and deadlift cat- egories. He also won the Army ‘push and pull’ 100kg category, smashing the sub-categories of bench-press and deadlift. This was enough to get him into the Army ‘strong man’ team where he contributed to the Army winning the inter-service ‘full pow- er’ competition.
Anyone who is interested in powerlifting should make their name known to Sergeant Pennington who frequently runs class-
es on sports’ afternoons.
  Sergeant Pennington deadlifting 270kg
Staff Sergeant Burnell lifting the infamous Atlas Stones

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