Page 67 - The Chapka 2017
P. 67
In February, 13 fine Lancers flew out to Cyprus. Troodos Sta- tion was to be our snowy home for ten days. The climatic con- ditions were perfect for us precious Brits and although there was snow two metres deep at 1500 metres, on descending closer to the coast we enjoyed eight days riding in warm, dry, and spring- like weather.
Highlights of the trip included testing an Olympic style cross- country track with some great technical sections, riding a stage of the World Cup circuit ‘Sunshine Cup’ two days before the pro-teams arrived and completing the ‘Summit to Sea’ route – a famous trail that starts in Troodos Station Camp (the highest point in Cyprus) and finishes on Tunnel Beach after 65km of fast flowing descents and some short, sharp climbs.
On the sixth day, Officer Commanding C Squadron cut short his riding after a quick flight over his handlebars ended at the base of a nearby tree. A very uncomfortable shuffle down to the nearest road – after 15 minutes lying upside down in a bush – followed and then onto Akrotiri Medical Centre, horizontal in the back of a Toyota Hilux. It looked like a deeply painful expe- rience and his expletives were justified when it was discovered that he had fractured four transverse processes (the small bones which attach the vertebrate to the back muscles). Needless to say, he went without socks for the remainder of the trip and the expedition leader found a new skill in tying boat-shoe laces that are not your own.
Nevertheless, the expedition must go on. As well as a national park, Troodos also happens to be in an area highly popular with budding Cypriot wine producers. In typical Royal Lancer moun- tain-biking expedition style, the party found time, following a gruelling five hours in the saddle, to visit one such reputable es- tablishment and were educated on a number of refreshing whites and some questionable local reds. I am unsure who was more bemused; the vineyard staff or the dozen Royal Lancer soldiers.
It is fair to say the group were mixed in ability. The idea of the expedition was to identify members of the Regiment who could ride in the upcoming 2017 Army Cross-country Mountain-bik- ing Championships and also to pick potential future mountain biking instructors, to help the sport to grow within the Regi- ment. Both of these aims were achieved and their exploits are recorded in the Mountain-biking article. Those individuals, most of whom were totally new to the discipline, proved that regardless of your experience, an expedition can be a great and inexpensive way of getting into a new sport. No doubt the Cyp- riot hills will see more Lancer sweat in the coming year.
In the shadow of Mount Olympus
Corporal Yorke finds the beach
A taste of things to come...tables turned
“Any Stella?”