Page 91 - The Chapka 2017
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the US Army 3rd Cavalry Regiment. During this time, our sol- diers learned to use various American equipment such as the HMMWV, commonly known as the Humvee, and tested their skills against the Americans as they acted as an opposition force. Connecting with The Royal Lancers this year, we exchanged Strathcona Sergeant Tom Underwood for Royal Lancer Lieu- tenant Dave Clarkson. While Lieutenant Clarkson was with us, he spent his time attached to our Recce Squadron as the 2nd Troop leader and demonstrated his skills during our annual fall field training that year. Looking forward into 2018, we have the very unique opportunity for 25 Strathconas to travel to Catter- ick in March. This contingent will be conducting professional development with the Lancers as part of our broader Moreuil Wood 100th Anniversary Commemoration. Besides sending troops to the United Kingdom, a small team of Strathconas is eagerly looking forward to attending the Nijmegen March in the Netherlands during which they will be participating in the an- nual four days of marching 40 kilometres each day. This event is in its one hundredth and second year and will be a welcome challenge to our team.
While 2017 was an exciting year for the Regiment due to our busy tempo, we have also received new equipment which we look forward to using. This year has seen the continued rollout of the new Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV), the Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) 6, as well as the arrival of the remote weapons system mounting the C16 automatic grenade launcher (known as the grenade machine gun in the United Kingdom) and the Raven unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The TAPV is a vehicle which will be employed mainly by Recce Squadron and is a four-wheeled, mine-resistant and ambush protected design. This vehicle will also be used for patrolling and convoy escorts while offering greater mine protection than anything else previ- ously used by the CAF. The TAPV remote weapons system will also include a 7.62mm machine gun option and many features previously unseen on the 25mm Coyote platform. The LAV 6 is a new upgrade from the older LAV 3 platform and offers many
Members of LdSH(RC) in British Columbia during Operation LENTUS 17 - 04
improvements, such as a new double ‘v’ hull for greater mine protection as well as a new engine which adds 100 horse-power over the LAV 3. One of the best features of the new platform is an improved fire control system which will automatically adjust for target range and crossing speed. The Raven UAS is a new lightweight drone employed by Recce Squadron that is used for rapid deployment to aid in detection of enemy positions. The system is operated by a small team and gives the Squadron great- er flexibility to complete their tasks across a wide spectrum of operations.
As 2018 begins, the Regiment is looking towards entering the RtHR (again) with A Squadron working alongside members of 2nd Canadian Division. As A Squadron prepares for this with a deployment to CFB Wainwright in the near future, all members are excited and ready to show the high standard that LdSH(RC) has maintained throughout the years.
TAPV during trials mounted with a 16 RWS