Page 93 - The Chapka 2017
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                                                                                                                                            REGIMENTAL JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL LANCERS (QUEEN ELIZABETHS’ OWN) 91
 The Brewers’ Company has been pleased to continue its af- filiation with The Royal Lancers this year. The then Mid- dle Warden, Stephen Spencer-Jones, who will become Master in July 2018, was honoured to receive an invitation to the presenta- tion of the Guidon by Her Majesty the Queen in April. He was delighted to be able to represent the Brewers’ Company at this auspicious occasion.
In October the Master, Paul Wells, along with other members of the Company, was delighted to welcome representatives from the Regiment to a Court Luncheon at Brewers’ Hall. This luncheon is an important event in the Company’s annual cal- endar attended by guests from both its military affiliations and one of the two schools supported by the Company, this year Al- denham School. The lunch is an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between the Brewers’ Company and these organisations which are so important to it.
The Brewers’ Company today manages eleven different trusts and in 2017 distributed over £1.82m to charitable causes. Right at the heart of these long standing trusts are the two schools which the Company is proud to support. The older of these two schools is Aldenham, founded in 1597 and consequently one of the oldest schools in Britain (the younger one, founded 16 years later, in 1613, is Dame Alice Owens). The Master was delighted to welcome the Headmaster, Chair of Governors and other staff and governors from the Aldenham Foundation to the lunch. The Aldenham Foundation comprises Aldenham
School, Aldenham Prep School and St. Hilda’s Prep School in Bushey, providing a first class education from the ages of three to eighteen.
The Master was also pleased to
have the opportunity to present
the annual Brewers’ Company
Awards to Paul Dunbobbin of
Her Majesty’s Ship Albion and
Trooper Sands of The Royal
Lancers. These worthy winners
were nominated to receive these
awards for their outstanding contributions to their ship and reg- iment. On presenting the award to Trooper Sands, the Master said: “The Brewers Company award in the Regiment this year goes to a very exceptional soldier. Trooper Sands picked up box- ing gloves a couple of years ago and cleared seven wins (and only two losses) in his first season, he has gone on to represent the Army at boxing and is also a versatile and committed trooper, now developing his career as an armoured cavalry soldier.”
The Brewers’ Company remains proud of its affiliation with the Royal Lancers and looks forward to continuing the relationship
The Brewers’ Company
 in 2018.
 New Releases from Home Headquarters...
  The Music Traditions of the Lancers
The Music of The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeths’ Own), and its antecedents, recorded by the Band of the Royal Ar- moured Corps in Catterick at the end of 2016. The double CD (the only format that is available) together with a 24 page booklet on the history of the music can only be pur- chased from HHQ.
Available for HHQ at a cost of £10 plus £1.25 P&P (for UK post- age). All proceeds from the CD to The Royal Lancers Charitable Trust No. 1163409.
Centenary of The Last Charges of the 9th/12th Lancers (Prince of Wales’s)
The Last Charges written by Major (Retd) Phil Watson brings together the story of the last two significant lance charges made by the 9th and 12th Lancers. The author has taken twenty years to complete this book and draws its de- tail from over 45 difference references many still remaining unpublished. The book is over 136 pages long containing over 135 photographs and pictures and includes five maps and nine tables to help bring the two stories to life. For the first time the stories of Le Montcel and Moÿ de l’Aisne pre- sents the German accounts from the day giving balance to the book. The resulting book has removed the folklore from the history and presents a detailed and vivid account in the words of those who took part. For many officers and soldiers
their place in Regimental history has now been secured and the names of those who were known to have taken part re- corded in one publication.
The battles of Mons and Moÿ
will continue to be celebrated annually by the The Royal Lancers, as part of Mons Day. This book helps us to under- stand why, from an historical, military and moral stand- point, we are right to do so.
Available from HHQ at a cost of £12.99 plus £2 P&P (for UK postage). All proceeds from the CD and book to the 9th/12th Lancers Museum Trust.
       The Last Charges
The author joined the Junior Leaders’ Regiment of the Royal Armoured Corps in 1977. He served with the 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales’s)
for 35 years, completing operational tours in Cyprus, Northern Ireland,
the Gulf and Bosnia. At the time of publication, he holds the appointment of Assistant Regimental Secretary
for The Royal Lancers. He is also the Commandant of the Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland Army Cadet Force.
Last Chargers COVER.indd 1
Centenary of the
The Last Charges
of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales’s)
Philip Watson

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