Page 95 - The Chapka 2017
P. 95
Uppingham School Combined Cadet Force
The Comnined Cadet Force (CCF) is in the process of undergo- ing a major restructuring process as it has become a fully vol- untary unit. Previously, pupils in the second year joined for a minimum of two years of basic training prior to opting for fur- ther service, or moving to community service. Under our new system, pupils in their second year now rotate through three 10-week sessions involving an introduction to the CCF, Duke of Edinburgh training and community service. At the end of the year, each pupil will make a choice of one of the three op- tions and then remain with that option for a further two years at least. This will result in a smaller, leaner and more effective CCF where all ranks are true volunteers. It will also mean that we will be able to target our resources more effectively.
Last summer, the school shooting team took part in the annual schools’ meeting at Bisley, entering teams for the Ashburton Fours and Cadet Pairs. Year on year we are rebuilding and devel- oping our shooting team, bringing on some very capable young marksmen. During the autumn term another of our Royal Ma- rine cadets was selected to be a Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.
Each year on 11th November, the school observes two minutes’ silence with representative members of the CCF forming the wreath laying party. 2018’s commemoration will be of special significance. We will be remembering the 463 old boys who made the ultimate sacrifice over one hundred years ago, which represented 20% of the 2343 who served from Uppingham. This was a very high casualty rate for the size of the school at the time.
Uppingham’s role in World War One has been researched in a recent book, “A School in Arms, Uppingham and the Great War” by an old boy, Timothy Halstead. During the coming year the CCF hopes to have the opportunity to visit the Regiment.
Bisley 2017
Remembrance Sunday 2017