Page 97 - The Chapka 2017
P. 97
B Squadron – Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland Army Cadet Force
2017 was a very successful and memorable year for B Squadron Leicestershire and Rutland Army Cadet Force (LNR ACF); with so many achievements and events going for them, they cer- tainly made the most of it!
To begin with, 2017 became the year that B Squadron dominated in sports for LNR ACF. The cadets became champions in not just one, but three county-wide sports events: cross-country running in January, swimming in June and athletics in April. They also helped LNR become the Eastern Region Tug-of-War champions with the boys’ team achieving first and the girls’ team getting second. B Squadron are looking forward to the coming year for sports, confident that they will keep the trophies they have won and help LNR gain more in Eastern Region and national events.
First aid has always been an integral part of cadets’ training, from basic all the way up to four-star cadet. It is not just the train- ing which the cadets can take part in in terms of first aid. The annual First Aid Competition saw four cadets from B Squadron team up alongside four A Company cadets and come 3rd overall, and with the highest individual score in the competition.
Throughout 2017, B Squadron took part in countless events that were dedicated to remembering those who made the ulti- mate sacrifice 100 years ago during World War One. In May, B Squadron cadets, along with those from F Squadron, attended the annual parade of the Combined Cavalry Old Comrades As- sociation, which takes place in Hyde Park in London. The ca- dets also toured parts of the National Memorial Arboretum in July and laid a wreath in front of the 9/12L memorial, to whom B Squadron were cap-badged before they amalgamated. The ca- dets have done themselves and their country proud in remem- bering the fallen this year, with many remembrance parades being attended by both adults and cadets in their respective hometowns and villages.
The Squadron’s Corps of Drums have come on leaps and bounds in the past year with numbers going from three up to 22 and skill levels now going up to four-star cadets. The musicians have attended and played at remembrance events and fund raising events, as well as playing in Leicester city centre with F Squadron and C (Tiger) Company for Armed Forces Day. The cadets continue to improve their skills and are already planning new events for the upcoming year.
Three-star Field-craft on Annual Camp
Finally, B Squadron’s sen-
ior cadets had a very suc-
cessful year in terms of
promotions and appoint-
ments; Cadet Sergeant
Major Lucy Mecklen-
burgh went from Squad-
ron Sergeant Major to
Regimental Sergeant Ma-
jor for Leicestershire. As
well as being Lord Lieu-
tenant’s cadet for 2016-17
(a prestigious appointment
awarded in recognition of
exceptional achievement
during their cadet career),
she passed on the baton to
another B Squadron cadet,
Corporal Caetano Capurro,
whose investiture happened in October 2017 by Lady Jennifer Gretton, Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire. B Squadron have prided themselves in achieving so much in 2017 and look for- ward to doing the same thing in 2018!
Incoming Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet 2018
Outgoing Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet 2017
LNR ACF supporting the RLOCA at Cavalry Memorial Parade