Page 96 - The Chapka 2017
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  2 Squadron Lincs ACF – Regimental Weekend Catterick 2017
2 Squadron – Lincolnshire Army Cadet Force
What a year for 2 Squadron! At the start of the year we said farewell to our Officer Commanding, Captain Studd who took a role within county headquarters and welcomed our for- mer squadron training officer Captain Bowler as our new Officer Commanding. 2 Squadron thrived in 2017 and we are very proud of everyone: the cadet force adult volunteers and most impor- tantly the cadets.
Cadet Sergeant Major Alex Madejska was promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major in March and in August she went to Frimley Park and attended the Master Cadet Course which she passed. The county athletics was a huge highlight for the Squadron in 2017. After taking a coach load of cadets to Boston’s Princess Royal Sports arena, the Squadron gained many podium places and the overall points added up to give the Squadron 1st place overall. Staying on the topic of athletics, the Squadron has been the home to four very talented individuals. Squadron Sergeant Major Madejska, Sergeant Major Wright, Corporal Pattinson and Lance Corporal Potesta-Elliott all defended and retained their National Champion title of 4x100m Relay for the third sucessive year. During the summer, representatives from the Squadron went to Catterick to visit The Royal Lancers on Regi- mental Weekend. A great day was had by all, as the cadets ate in the messes, attended the parade and were shown around by members of the Regiment.
The squadron had an excellent year of Army Proficiency Certifi- cate (APC) passes, which totalled 174 with two Master Cadets. As 2018 starts, the cadets are already progressing through their APC with a steady number of subject and star level comple- tions. 2017 was also a big year for the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) award scheme with a total of 50 DofE passes: 40 Bronze and 10 Silver awards completed.
2017’s annual camp was at Wathgil and the Squadron took in- total 88 Cadets and adults. Cadets took part in activities ranging
from drill, shooting and field craft to first aid. The senior cadets had the opportunity to take part in Operations in Built Up Areas (OBUA) training at Whinney Hill. The cadets also attended a day at Adrenalin as part of the Adventurous Training package.
During the year, the Squadron Sergeant Major ‘NCO of the year’ award was taken by Lance Corporal Oliver Storey. The 2 Squad- ron drill team, led by Squadron Sergeant Major Madejska, did an amazing job and, after countless hours of practising, secured 1st place. In October, the Officers,
NCOs and guests attended the an- nual Balaclava dinner night at Gran- tham. Looking forward to the rest of 2018, we have a number of events, training weekends and sporting competitions to attend and compete in, and we have cadets representing the county in the brigade combat cadet competition, shooting, athlet- ics and swimming. This year’s annual camp will be at Altcar (Liverpool) and I hope to
be able to take 100 ca- dets plus staff from the Squadron. As
a squadron we are
in a healthy place with 248 cadets and 36 Officers and NCOs spread across Squadron Headquarters and seven Detachments.
Cadet Sergeant David Thomas

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