Page 19 - Hindsight Issue 26 April 2020
P. 19

     The Charles Eamer Kempe stained glass window in Section of the Kempe window showing the St Sepulchre’s Church, Northampton dedication to Isabella Bevan
window for minor repairs or conservation. We sent the research, the copy of steve Clare’s report, a photograph and fortuitously copies of all the arguments from the parish news of the time together with our expression of Interest direct to the Kempe trust. As reported in our opening paragraph above, within seven days we had an offer of £30,800 as a grant towards conservation, subject to the whole window being conserved.
WHY! the question of countless tour visitors lies in the following speech given by Adrian Barlow, Lead Author to the Kempe explicit reason why this window is so special and unique as explained at the re-dedication in March 2019.
this triple-lancet window, containing stained glass from the studio of Charles eamer Kempe, was given in 1887. now, following its recent conservation, it can be seen and ‘read’ with great clarity, just as when first installed. It is fitting indeed that a Church of the Holy sepulchre should have a Resurrection window.
Reading stained glass can only follow one’s first impression, one’s initial response to the interaction of colour and light, image and overall design. Here, especially on a bright morning, one is struck by the pale golden glow of this east window, against which are offset the central figures: the Risen Christ, flanked by two female saints. Above them, in the upper sections of the lancets, appear a swirl of angels, vestments and scrolls. such energetic movement contrasts with the static pose of the three figures. Below, in the left and right corners kneel two angels,

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