Page 2 - Hindsight Issue 26 April 2020
P. 2

 Representing Northamptonshire’s Heritage by Celebrating, Learning, Developing, Networking, Promoting
In a county rich with history and heritage, the Forum was created in 2002 to provide a unified voice for its members. The Forum is run by a committee of volunteers dedicated to supporting and promoting the membership, who include museums and galleries, heritage and battlefield sites, historic houses, transport and industrial heritage sites, history societies, heritage centres and individuals. The Forum provides advice, access to grants and training, joint marketing and promotion, and the opportunity to meet and share with likeminded people.
To achieve these objectives the Forum undertakes to:
• Provide membership for individuals and organisations who support the history and heritage of Northamptonshire
• Organise at least three general meetings, including an AGM, to provide networking, information sharing and training opportunities
• Publish an annual Journal, Hindsight, and also newsletters
• Organise an Annual History Day to celebrate an aspect of
Northamptonshire heritage
• Arrange access to relevant training
• Promote the heritage of the county though our website, social media and a bi-annual Heritage Guide
• Organise the annual Northamptonshire Heritage Forum Awards
• Foster relationships to promote the importance of heritage in the county with local councils and relevant regional, national heritage and historical organisations
• Provide a joined up heritage voice for Northamptonshire
Front Cover photograph
375th anniversary of the Battle of Naseby 2020
In the Civil War infantry Regiments were made up of musketeers and pikemen. Due to the slow loading rates of the matchlock musket the pike provided essential protection, especially against cavalry. The use of massed firepower would fundamentally change warfare. (See article on pages 48–53)
Photograph – Levitt Parkes. The Sealed Knot.

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