Page 139 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 139

The Sandhurst Trust... double time!
To put it simply, 2022 was the best ever year for The Sandhurst Trust. After two years in the doldrums during the Pandemic, there was a renewed interest in outside agen- cies wishing to hold events at Sandhurst, with a corresponding level of support from Academy Headquarters. The charity has a unique busi- ness model amongst service charities, relying on income from events to finance disbursement rather than donations from the
Vaughan Kent-Payne
2023 so far has 40 booked in. One of these was the final reunion of the officers from The Sher- wood Foresters Regiment, who were amalga- mated in 1970. They brought with them as a guest of honour the regimental mascot L/Cpl Derby XXXII.
Other reunions included SMC 921. Platoon reunions are becoming more popular, such as
Regular visitors, The Forward Institute returned for two train- ing periods with associates from across industry, commerce and the armed services. The Com- mandant appreciated the impor- tance of these regular visitors and delivered the opening address to the assembled delegates.
The age and experience of these men was brought home to me when one of them said: “Kent-Payne –
I served with your father in Libya
in 1953.
15 Pl Normandy Coy CC942.
It gave the team huge pleasure to welcome alumni from Intakes 5-9 for their 70th reunion. Run by The Trust at no charge, it is a chance for us to thank and honour our oldest old soldiers. A clutch of sprightly nona- genarians, including our tour guide, John Sandy, enjoyed leafing through scrapbooks from their time at the Academy, before a lunch with The Trust staff and the Academy Chief of Staff and Old College Commander.
Another visitor to return was
Rusty Firmin, who really was the third man on the balcony at the Iranian Embassy siege. He entertained a large group with his presentation, supported by several suitably clad extras.
Our tour guides continue to provide sterling ser- vice showing the public around the Academy. We held a lunch in a local pub, which was well attended, and enabled us to meet up with Peter Miller and Bernard Allen, who have retired from guiding but are still part of the team.
Meanwhile, reunions, as usual, proved extremely popular with 42 groups returning to Sandhurst.
The age and experience of these men was brought home to me when one of them said: “Kent-Payne – I served with your father in Libya in 1953.”

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