Page 86 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 86

OCdt Lodge
Ex WANDERING SEAL saw six OCdts from 29 Platoon, Borneo Company, RMAS par- take in a five-day introduction to Sea Kayak-
ing Course, under the direction of WO2 Jones RE (Ex UOTC). We embarked with the following aims:
• Deliver a basic understanding of Sea Kay- aking to the OCdts
• Improve OCdt confidence in Sea Kayaking
• Develop mental resilience, leadership and
improve unit cohesion
During the course of the expedition, the above aims were all met. The course began on day one with training on the basics of Sea and River Kay- aking. Here, the group were introduced to basic equipment for kayaking (dry suit, paddle, buoy- ancy aid, helmet) and were taught how to size off and use such equipment. After this, the group began an introductory paddle northward, cover- ing approximately 2km in 1 hour upstream).
Day two saw the group revising and consolidat- ing their basic kayaking skills on the River Exe. Beginning opposite the Grace Road Playing Fields, the group departed south to consolidate and develop a host of basic skills: reverse pad-
dling, sharp turning, breaking and, most impor- tantly, capsize drills. This was then progressed to Sea Kayaking by day three, where the group conducted an anti-clockwise circuit of the mouth of the River Dart beginning in Warfleet Creek. After navigating choppy waves, strong winds and a gusting wind, the group successfully applied the skillset they had learnt on the previ- ous two days in sketchier conditions. This set them in good stead for the following day, which served as a culmination of all the skills learnt on Ex WANDERING SEAL: a 16km kayak across the South West Coast.
Day four saw the group start at Meadfoot Bay, Torbay, and carefully navigate the coastline as well as develop their skills in route planning and approximating distances at sea. The group also encountered a small herd of seals on the home- stretch of the leg, a vital reminder to be aware off the presence of wildlife whilst conducting our activities.
The final day served as a cool down, and an opportunity to push our turning and backwards paddling skills to their limit. Throughout the trip, the group felt pushed both physically and men- tally, and bonded greatly as a team.

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