Page 97 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 97

Cultural Visit to Bletchley Park
On the 8th June 2022, RMAS Lucknow Pla- toon journeyed to Bletchley Park, the once top-secret home of the WWII Codebreak-
ers, for an educational day out. Bletchley Park allows for a culturally enriching visit, not only informing OCdts of British military history, but also for the vital role women played there dur- ing the war and the significance Bletchley Park holds in the LGBTQI+ community.
During our visit, we explored the Mansion, where the early codebreakers were based and followed the story throughout the surround- ing blocks and huts, of how Bletchley Park adapted and expanded to the growing need for intelligence. The Intelligence Factory, Bombe machine atmospheric exhibit, museum, garages displaying restored vehicles from the era... these exhibits are just to name a few of the educational opportunities to soak up while touring the camp.
A favourite exhibit of mine was the D-Day: Inter- ception, Intelligence, Invasion immersive cine- matic experience revealing Bletchley Park’s top- secret role in the D-Day landings. It highlighted how the success of the D-Day landings was possible due to intelligence sourced at Bletchley Park. Incidentally our visit fell just two days after the 78th anniversary of the momentous event.
Something the park highlights is the vital role women played at Bletchley Park. As a female in the military this was especially poignant, as often men are the face of military campaigns, and it was inspiring to learn about the huge impact women at Bletchley Park had on WWII. Three quarters of the workers were female: intercepting wireless
OCdt Brown
transmissions, operating the bombe machines, sending and receiving communications, and gen- eral day-to-day admin within the camp.
Another point of cultural relevance was the involvement of the LGBTQI+. Alan Turing was one of the brains behind the Bombe machine, without whom British intelligence would be vastly different. Sadly, he was prosecuted in 1952 for being homosexual, chemical castrated, and committed suicide as a result one year later. Our cultural trip took place one day after the 68th anniversary of his death. In 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown wrote a letter of pardon to Alan Turing, which was a big step forward for the LGBTQI+ community. That letter is on dis- play in Bletchley Park.
A fantastic time was had by all, with everyone returning to RMAS with newfound knowledge. Lucknow Platoon would like to extend their grati- tude to the Sandhurst Trust for their generous donation, which facilitated this culturally enlight- ening day out.

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