Page 14 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 14

                                    The Town Council Office has had a bit of a re-vamp to make it Covid compliant. There is plenty of room for residents
to come in to talk to the receptionist.
In addition, the office has extended its opening hours and is now open to the public from 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday.
We would ask that residents visiting the office follow the Covid guidelines:
- Only one member of the public in the
office at any one time.
- Facemasks to be worn unless you are
- Do not enter the office if you are feeling
The usual dog bags and bus timetables are available. Do pop in if you have any issues you want to raise with the Council or, if you prefer, phone or email us. Contact details are below.
 Contact your Councillors or write to the Clerk at:
Thrapston Town Council, 77 High Street, Thrapston NN14 4JJ Telephone: 01832 734 673
Facebook: @thrapston.towncouncil Twitter: @thrapstontc
Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9am to 2pm

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